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We are all like the moon
We all have our darker side
{Khalil Gibran}

I made TIKTOK guys! Be sure to follow me, @Mokneki. I recently posted a picnic video, so you'll know that that's my account.

The TV blared in alarm, with headlines rolling across the screen in capitals. My eyes shifted towards the subtitles, a feeling much more forboding than dread creeping in the pit of my stomach.

"Breaking headlines, straight from Madrid police station. At eleven am, for the first time in Spain's decade long persue, a member of the most dangerous Mafia has been captured by Spain's Naval special warfare forces" a heavily blurry picture of Rafael appeared on the screen as he positioned a gun before himself. Nothing could be deduced from his face except that he was pissed. Extremely pissed. How someone was able to capture that whilst trying to save their life was beyond me. It would have been comical to state even then, his face was not at all recognisable. They had the opportunity of a lifetime to capture his picture and even then they failed. Miserably.

Even more of a shock to me was how he was titled. A member of the mafia, I couldn't help but scoff at their idiocy. They don't know him like you did, Laila.

Just the look in his eyes was enough to bring a grown man to his knees. He looked like carnage if it was an expression. And he wore it oh so freely too, not the least bit deterred that these people were to capture him and bask in his entrapment.

"As of yet, there has been no further information on whom the leader of the mafia could be, but the police and CNI are working behind the scenes to capture him, and to restore peace within Spain once again. Nothing has been disclosed of the suspect captured but like it's said, one small step for man, a giant leap for mankind. Upcoming presidential candidate, Fernando Vasquez is here with me now. Mister Vasquez, what do you have to say on such a matter?" The host focused her attention on Vasquez, her entire visage like that of a child, gleeful. Proud that something this profound was unfolding after years of melancholy.

My entire insides twisted at the revelation. Rafael was arrested under suspicion of mafia related ties, all because of me. He was the mafia! I couldn't help but scoff. He crested this life for himself and it just showed how much power he held, to not be doubted as the leader of this syndicate.

A phonecall Interrupted me from my over indulgence. Except, this was out of guilt and not pleasure. Not even bloody close! May's voice rang around my ears, like chalk against chalkboard and I couldn't help but wince. I looked away from Vasquez speaking, as he too seemed thrilled at the notion. Only I knew exactly why.

"Hola, Misses Bakhash. I'm guessing you've seen the news judging upon your silence" I could hear  the smile in her tone as she spoke further. "Congratulations Laila on behalf of the entirety of Spain. We commend a young women like you whom allowed our government to take presidency without the fear of Mafia from hereon forward. Albeit, the actual leader is in hiding, but thanks to you, we are so much more closer to our goal"

I wanted to kill myself in that instant. She carried on at the expense of my silence.

"The world is corrupt my dear Laila. Nothing goes our way, and if it ever did, life always has something to prevent that. I was indeed quite lucky when I discovered you had some form of contact with the mafia. You were the perfect pawn in my plan" I was seeing red. Never before had I felt such indignation towards someone. I could feel my entire honour and self respect crumble before my eyes, as her vicious chuckles filled the emptiness in my brain.

Once again, I found myself regretting even setting foot in this damned country. I could have avoided all this had I listened to my parents.

"How-how could you?! I did not know you would go this far for a man" I exclaimed exasperated. Angry. Furious. Not only because I played right into their little game, but because I betrayed myself. Rafael. He was now a part of me, yet now, it felt as if that was snatched away brutally, like a cloth being yanked off of thorns. Like death itself.

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