A Great Pink Toad and Detention

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"Mum, what are these scars on your hand?"

"Oh. I'd forgotten about those. They're from my first, and only, detention."


Her first day of classes began early, with her waking at sunrise. No matter how much she tossed and turned, she couldn't fall back asleep, and so she forced herself up. Lilli dressed quietly, so as not to disturb her dormmates.

Hurrying up the stairs to the Great Hall, she found she was the first up, before even the teachers. She sank into the quiet, eating thoughtfully as she studied the fireplace. Cedric's rose was still there, the yellow standing out from the cool grey stone. 

Three months. That's how long it had been since he died, give or take a week. And already, it seemed nobody remembered him. She wondered for a moment why she did, considering they hadn't been friends. Then she pushed that away. It didn't matter why she remembered him, only that someone did. 

He will not be forgotten.


Lilli raised her hand, waiting for the pink toad to call on her before saying, "Professor, how is theory going to help us? Especially those taking their OWLs, isn't there a practical portion?"

She received a sickly sweet smile, "Miss Simmons, anything can be accomplished if you know the theory well enough."

"But what good will theory do against Voldemort?" There was an audible gasp from her classmates. Little Lilli Simmons was talking back to a professor?

"Miss Simmons, I don't know where you get your information," Professor Umbridge twittered, "But You-Know-Who is dead. Now, may I continue?"

Lilli stared at the woman. Something dangerous glinted in her wet, too large eyes. Breathe, a voice said to her, Pick your battles.

"Yes." Don't show up to every argument you're invited to.

"Yes, ma'am." Something ticked inside Lilli. Don't say it.

"There's no need to call me ma'am, Professor." A stunned silence seemed to echo around the room. Lilli Simmons never sassed the teachers. Fellow students, sure, but never professors. She caught sight of Draco pinching his arm beneath the table. Professor Umbridge slowly turned a violent shade of puce.

"Detention, Miss Simmons." She hissed, "Tonight. Four o'clock."

"Yes..." Lilli drew out the pause slightly, "Ma'am."


"Miss Simmons." Lilli looked up at Professor Snape, slipping the bookmark between the pages of her book.

"Yes, Professor?"

"With me." She fell into step behind the man, footsteps echoing in the corridor. He led her to his office.

"You have gone the past three years without so much as losing points. And now, not a day into your Defence lessons, you've detention. Why?"

"Professor Umbridge is insisting that we only learn theory this year. I merely pointed out that theory without practice isn't as useful as learning both. Especially since most of my classmates face their OWLs this year." She kept eye contact with him, "She also corrected me when I forgot to call her ma'am, and I sassed her for it."

"What did you say, Miss Simmons?" There was something odd in his voice... it might have been amusement.

"That there was no need for her to call me ma'am, Professor." His eyelid twitched.

"Five points from Slytherin, Miss Simmons, for disrespecting your teacher. Dismissed." She nodded sharply, turning to leave, "Walk carefully, Miss Potter. You must see how unsteady the ground you're on is."

She glanced back at him, "Noted, Professor."


"Ah, Miss Simmons. Shut the door behind you, if you please." Lilli did as directed, crossing to the pair of desks in the room. On both lay a single quill and a roll of parchment. Professor Umbridge smiled, painfully sweet.

"You'll be writing lines, my dear. 'I must respect my elders.' Let's see, three hundred times should do the trick." The woman's smile spread like the Grinch's, "Best hurry. You wouldn't want to be here all night."

Lilli picked up the quill, looking at it suspiciously before beginning. There's no way it was this simple. She was right.

As soon as she formed the first letter, a searing pain went through her hand. Biting her tongue, she glanced up at Professor Umbridge. The woman was watching her expectantly, waiting for her to cry out, no doubt. Lilli looked away, continuing to write.

I must respect my elders... I must respect my elders... I must respect my eld...


"Let's see how well you've learned your lesson." Professor Umbridge lifted Lilli's hand, running calloused fingers over the new wounds. She tutted, "Not well enough, I'm afraid. You'll have to write another hundred."

The door opened, and in walked Harry. Professor Umbridge smiled her Grinchy smile.

"Mr Potter, about time. Have a seat." Harry took the desk beside Lilli as Professor Umbridge turned her back. He caught sight of her hand and frowned.

"El-" he began. She shook her head, warning him not to say anything.

"Writing lines, Mr Potter. 'I must not tell lies.' Begin."

Lilli focused on her lines, watching as her blood formed the same letters over and over again. I... must... respect... my... elders... I must... respect... my elders... I must respect my elders...


SIX HUNDRED, FIFTY-SEVEN. That's how many times she wrote those words, watching as they became seared into her skin. Red against white. I must respect my elders.

"I think that's enough, Miss Simmons. Have you learned your lesson?" Lilli's eyes remained on the floor in front of her.

"Yes, Professor Umbridge. I'm very sorry I was rude this morning."

"Very well. Dismissed." Lilli nodded, walking behind Harry to reach the door. She rested her good hand on his shoulder for a moment. He tapped it gently, not looking up.

Then she was gone, hurrying away from that dreadful classroom and back to her dorm. She hoped her friends were long in bed, not wanting to worry them. She was mostly in luck.

Draco was the only one still up, a book held lazily in one hand. He didn't look up, merely patting the seat beside him. She sat, leaning into his side.

"Let me see," he said, setting the book aside and taking her hand. He grimaced, summoning a jar and a bowl. Pouring the liquid, he set her hand in it, watching as she relaxed.

"Murtlap essence," he murmured softly, "Helpful for cuts."

"Thank you." She didn't ask how he knew that. It wasn't hard to figure out. Lilli just rested her head against him, listening to the crackle of the fire and the beat of his heart.

He tightened his arm around her shoulders, "Anytime, Ana. Anytime."

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