Durmstrang and Deals

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"I expect you all on your best behaviour," Snape drawled as he led the Slytherins to the front of the school, "No Slytherin will bring shame to Hogwarts."

Lilli shivered at the disdain in his voice. Surely it wasn't that important, making a good impression on the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students... was it? Lilli certainly didn't think so. They were kids, just like the rest of them. Still, she straightened her skirt and righted her tie, running fingers through her hair in an attempt to tame it. It was a futile battle, as her hair was beginning to rival Hermione Granger's.

"How do you think they'll be coming?" Elspeth asked quietly, so as not to draw Snape's attention. He had arranged them by mentor, so that all the seventh years were to the left and it went all the way down to the first years at the right. Lilli's chain was in the front, feet on the ground rather than the stairs.

Lilli shrugged, "Not by train. Too far. Apparition is too risky, and you can't apparate on school grounds. My guess is something we aren't expecting."

"It'll be showy," Draco added, smoothing his hair, "From what Father has told me, the schools like to try and one-up each other all the time."

Dumbledore called from where he stood with the teachers, "Aha! Unless I am very much mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches!"

Students looked around in excitement. Elspeth was the first to find them among the Slytherins; she threw an arm up, pointing, "There!"

A large black shape was hurtling across the sky, slowly growing larger. It skimmed over the Forbidden Forest.

"What the hell is that?" Draco asked, perplexed.

"It's a carriage!" Lilli said, catching sight of it as it banked to land on the Great Lawn. She was right; a large, powder-blue carriage pulled by a team of giant pegasi landed with a great thud, making several students jump.

An emblem was emblazoned on the door, two crossed wands emitting three stars. Then it opened with a bang, and a boy in pale blue robes unfolded a set of stairs. The carriage's size was explained immediately as out stepped the tallest lady Lilli had ever seen.

Applause started as the woman stepped forward, and students in pale blue robes flooded out from the carriage. Lilli was more focused on the woman and Dumbledore, who had stepped forward to greet her.

"My dear Madame Maxime," he said. "Welcome to Hogwarts." 

"Dumbly-dorr," said Madame Maxime in a deep voice. "I 'ope I find you well?" 

"In excellent form, I thank you," said Dumbledore. 

"My pupils," said Madame Maxime, waving one of her enormous hands carelessly behind her. Lilli turned to study them, noticing the apprehension on their faces as they studied the castle. They were shivering, their silk robes not made for the cold wind.

The Hogwarts crowd parted, letting Madame Maxime and her charges go inside.

"Do you reckon Durmstrange will have horses too?" Elspeth's mentee, a boy named Elliot Hart, asked, leaning forward to look at them.

"I doubt it," Lilli said, eyes searching the scene in front of them, "They wouldn't be that similar."

This time it was Draco who discovered the school, "Look at the lake."

Lilli peered through the gathering darkness as a ship began to appear from the centre of the Black Lake. People disembarked, and Lilli was intimidated to see they were all built along the lines of Crabbe and Goyle.

As they came closer, stepping into the light, she saw that the majority of their bulk was from their coats. Draco grabbed her arm, pointing towards one of the boys. Excitement was in his eyes as he whispered, "That's Viktor Krum, Lils. The Bulgarian National Team's Seeker."

Elspeth was also fangirling, and had grabbed Lilli's other arm, "I watched him at the World Cup! He's amazing, Lilli. Better than I could ever be."

The group passed by them, and Lilli met the eyes of a Durmstrang girl, who raised an eyebrow at her friends. Lilli blushed, and the Hogwarts students fell in behind them. Lilli had to pull her friends into the Great Hall so that they wouldn't gawk at Krum.

"Honestly, you two. He's just a kid, so act like it. I doubt he really wants to be worshipped." Lilli huffed forcing them both to sit down. Crabbe and Goyle sat on either side of Draco. Then she rounded the table and sat across from them. Beauxbatons had made themselves comfortable at Ravenclaw's table. Durmstrang students hesitated by the door before joining the Slytherin table.

Draco looked smug when Viktor Krum sat beside Lilli, leaning forward to talk to him. Lilli rolled her eyes as she felt someone sit on her other side. She looked up at them, recognizing the girl from early.

"Hello," the girl smiled, showing straight white teeth, "I am Natalia."

"I'm Lilli." The redhead grinned, "I like your hair." Natalia had dark auburn hair, nearly brown, twisted into a neatly braided bun. It set off similar shades in her golden-brown eyes.

"Thank you." It seemed like she was going to say something else, but Dumbledore interrupted.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and — most particularly — guests," said Dumbledore, beaming around at the foreign students. "I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to Hogwarts. I hope and trust that your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable."

A Beauxbatons girl laughed derisively. Lilli rolled her eyes. You didn't need to come.

"The tournament will be officially opened at the end of the feast," said Dumbledore. "I now invite you all to eat, drink, and make yourselves at home!"

"Vill you be competing?" Natalia asked Lilli, copying her when Lilli added food to her plate. There were new dishes, like Bouillabaisse and something Natalia said was solyanka.

"No, I'm too young." Lilli glanced at her classmates, "Not that that will deter everyone. Who do you think will be chosen?"

Natalia shrugged, "I stand a chance, I think. Although Viktor vill be competition!" She thumped the boy on the back around Lilli.

"You vould be the better one, Nat," Viktor said, having been listening, "At least you can valk straight!" This was apparently an inside joke among the Durmstrang students, because they all laughed. 

"Who do you think vill be Champion?" Viktor asked her, as the noise died down. Draco and Elspeth looked as if they would faint.

"Hmmm," Lilli looked around the room, thinking of who she had heard were entering, "Cassius Warrington, that big bloke there, is likely. Although there's a chance that Harry Potter will end up in it."

Viktor looked confused, "'Arry Potter?"

Lilli pointed to the Gryffindor table, "He's underage, but incredibly unlucky. He's the reason Voldemort disappeared."

"Who is that beside him?" He asked, "Vith hair like yours?"

"Hermione Granger," Lilli saw the interest in his eyes and laughed quietly. Maybe there would be a romance in the works for her brother's friend.


"Lilli, I need your help," Draco fell into the seat beside her, out of breath. 

"Why?" Lilli took her eyes off Viktor, who had finally worked up the courage to ask Hermione to the Yule Ball. It had taken a lot of encouragement from Lilli and Natalia. The young Slytherin had become a favourite of the Durmstrang students, but especially Viktor. Probably because she treated him no differently than her other friends.

"Parkinson asked me to the Yule Ball and I told her I already had a date," Draco looked guilty.

She raised her eyebrow, "You don't have one, do you?"

"I panicked, okay?" Draco ran a hand through his hair, glancing toward the door as if Pansy was going to burst in, "Will you go with me? As friends?"

"And what do I get out of this?" Lilli asked, reading through her essay, "Because if I say yes, that means I have to write my aunt for a dress and heels and have to deal with Pansy."

"I'll buy your dress and shoes," Draco pleaded, "Please, Lils?"

She tapped her quill against her lips, thinking, "Alright, I guess. I'll go with you."

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