Dropping Plates and Playing Cupid

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Lilli knocked on Andromeda's door, shifting her grip on the child's hand. The older witch opened the door with a smile.

"Lilli! Here for Teddy?" She stepped aside, "Who's this? You don't have another kid, do you?"

She laughed, "Avery was adopted last week. This is Riley. Can you say hi to Miss Andy?" The four-year-old looked down, avoiding anyone's eyes, "She's shy."

"Oh, that's alright. Teddy! Lilli's here!" Andy led her into the kitchen, "Do either of you want a cupcake? Teddy made them. He's really into tiny things right now."

"Riley, would you like one?" Lilli helped the girl sit on a chair.

"Yes please." Andy set one of the mini-cupcakes in front of her, settling across the two. Teddy bounded into the room, hugging Lilli. His hair went from bright blue to match her bright red.

"Ana!" She laughed, kissing his head.

"Hiya, little man! Ready for a weekend with me?" He nodded, snagging a cupcake for himself, "Anything you want to do?"

"Can we go to Diagon Alley and see Uncle Fred and Uncle George?" Lilli glanced up at Andy, who was shaking her head. 

"I swear, Elliana Potter, if you take him to that store..." Andy warned, an amused glint in her eyes. 

"Ah, don't get worked up, Andy," Lilli winked at Teddy, "They're in Hogsmeade this week."


"Teddy, Riley, supper!" Lilli washed her hands, pulling plates down from the cupboard. She hummed along to the music, bouncing along as she set the table. 

The boy bounded down the stairs, "Coming, Mum!" 

The plate slipped out of her hand, clattering against the floor. Riley looked up from where she already sat at the table, drawing cheerfully. He froze in the doorway, eyes wide, as the music still played in the background.

We'll live to dance another day
It's just now we have to dance for more of us

"I'm sorry, Ana. I won't do it again," Teddy whispered. She heard the fear in his voice, the shame. Lilli shook herself, setting the plate beside the sink and retrieving a new one. 

"Sit down, Teddy," She put food on their plates, sitting across from him, "Baby..."

 Teddy interrupted softly, "I know you aren't my bio mum, Ana. I know you aren't Tonks. But you've basically been my mum since she died."

Lilli teared up a little, hugging him. He buried his face in her stomach, wrapping his arms around her. She ran a hand through his bubblegum hair, smiling sadly. 

"You know, that pink was Tonks' favourite." Stepping back, she sat beside him, running a thumb over his cheek, "Baby, it's not that I don't want you to call me 'mum'. And I'm honoured that you want to, but I don't know if Andy and Harry would be okay with it. Even if they are, not everyone is going to like it."

"I'll talk to Grandma." Teddy volunteered, "And I'll write Uncle Harry."

"Alright, love, if you're sure," she kissed his forehead, "I love you, Teddy."

"Love you, too, Mum."


"Hey, blueberry!" Teddy laughed, high-fiving Fred and George. Lilli grinned, letting Riley grip her fingers. George ruffled Lilli's hair.

"So, how's life with this little monster, huh?" He wiggled his fingers at Riley, who hid behind her leg.

"Ah, she's a sweetheart, aren't you, babydoll?" Riley glowed, hiding her face in her hair at the compliment. Fred came over, throwing an arm over her shoulders. George went off after Teddy.

"So, my dear practically-sister-in-law, where's the love of your life? Hmmm?"

She rolled her eyes, taking hold of Riley's hand,  "What are you on about, Freddie? You know I'm not seeing anyone right now. And how am I 'practically' your sister-in-law? Gin and Harry aren't dating anymore."

"You're basically Winna's sister," Fred waved his hand like she should already know this, " And that's exactly my point, dear Lilli! I've someone I want you to meet!"

"You playing Cupid again, love?" Winna leaned against her husband's shoulder grinning at her friend, "Hiya, Lils."

"Hey yourself. How's Kit doing with Hogwarts?" The adults migrated towards the counter as Hogwarts students filtered in on their Hogsmeade trip. Lilli caught sight of a new girl working the register.

"He seems to like it. Has friends that he'll bring in, and he gets embarrassed by me, so he's a regular teen." Winna laughed, stepping behind the counter, "Go ahead and take a break, Cade, I got this."

"You sure? The rush is just about to start." 

"Go on, why do you think I keep these boys around, huh?" Winna winked, "I'm sure one of them can help me."

Cade laughed, throwing up her hands, "Alright, boss, if you say so."

"Hey, Cade, come here," Fred waved her over, and Lilli rolled her eyes, seeing his game, "Cadence, meet Elliana. Lilli, Cade."

"Nice to meet you," Lilli dropped Riley's hand to offer it to Cade, who shook it with a smile.

"I've heard a lot about you. These three won't shut up most days."

"Oh, really?" Lilli raised her eyebrows at her friends, who instantly looked innocently away, "Like what?"

"Singing your praises, mostly," Cade laughed, "A lot of stories from Hogwarts, with you being the constant in them all."

Lilli blushed slightly. There was a rush of students into the shop, and the toys around them whirled to life. Riley tugged at her hand, and Lilli looked down, seeing her covering her ears. She picked her up, "What's up, kiddo?"

"Too loud," Riley said quietly, glancing around at the strangers. Lilli smiled gently, letting Riley press one ear against her chest and covering the other with her free hand.

"Just focus on my heartbeat right now. We gotta wait for Teddy, alright? Then we'll get out of here." As if by magic, the boy appeared with George, who handed him a bag stuffed with treats.

"Look, Mum!" Teddy showed her the bag. Winna raised an eyebrow at Lilli.

"I don't see that," Lilli told him, looking up, "Andy will have my head because of you two."

Fred and George spluttered, "Us? We'd never give the kid anything too dangerous."

"Mmhmm, sure," Lilli rolled her eyes, shrinking the bag anyway and slipping it into her pocket, "Ready for lunch, Teddy?"

"Sure." He hugged Winna and received knuckle-rubs from the twins.

"Hey, Cade, why don't you go with them?" Fred suggested, "Lilli knows some great cafes."

"Do you mind?" Cade looked to Lilli, who smiled.

"You're more than welcome to, Cade. Just a warning that my brother might show up, and he can be a bit much." Cade shrugged, grabbing a purse from under the counter.

"How bad can he be?"

The others smiled cryptically as Lilli said, "Oh, you'll see."

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