Aluminum and Aluminium

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Dear Lia,
Here's a new book, considering you've been devouring them lately. Quite a twist in this one, especially on page 120. I think you'll enjoy it. Just tell me when you finish and I'll see what else I can find.

Everything is just lovely here, really. It's so much more peaceful than London. I can actually sleep without the traffic waking me! How is school? Are you adjusting okay? Any new friends besides Reyna and Kitt? You know how I worry.

Remember, you'll be staying at school for Thanksgiving, alright? These silly Americans, so many frivolous holidays! Have fun, my dear.

Aunt Andy


Lilli glanced around before she turned to the book, flipping through the book to the right page. She found the fourth sentence: 'Pomona, that eggheaded sissy, was running from the world's wrath.' Running her fingers over the words, they rearranged themselves; some fading away, others sliding closer together. In neat, typed print read:'Dora pregnant, you're a godmother.'

She grinned, tapping the page again. The words went back to before. Hugging the book to her chest, she looked around her, watching the sea of blue and red-clad students.

Letters from Andy were sparse, letters from home even more so, but having this bit of news lightened the weight on her heart significantly. She was going to be a godmother! 


"Come on, Lia! You'll love the feast!" Reyna tugged her arm, leading her to one of the dining halls. MIIM had several, built as it was within an old hotel that drew quite the muggle attention.

"Why do you Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?" Lilli wanted to know, settling into the chair beside her. Reyna paused for a moment.

"Well, the history is that when the Puritans came to America, they couldn't survive, so Native Americans shared their food with them. Of course," Reyna filled her plate, "The actual is that the Natives and the Puritans slaughtered a rival tribe and the feast afterwards was a celebration."

Lilli stared at her, "How the fuck do you know that?"

"It's taught in schools," she said, pouring gravy over her mashed potatoes, "I wouldn't eat the jello salad if I were you. It's got mayo in it."

"Why-" Lilli started, then shook her head, "Americans are bloody weird."

"Oh, and you aren't, Miss All-ooo-min-ee-uhm?" Reyna asked, raising her brow.

"What is wrong with how I say 'aluminum'?" Lilli said, exasperated. She had said it once, back in September when she was helping with a vampire essay, and now it was Reyna's favourite thing to tease.

"You're adding extra sounds! Al-oom-in-uhm. There's no extra 'e' or 'i' in it!"

"You're being ridiculous, Rey." Lilli turned to her food, shrugging, "The majority of the world spells it a-l-u-m-i-n-i-u-m."

"Don't care. It sounds weird. Say Al."

Lilli rolled her eyes, "Al."







"Aluminum. "


Reyna threw up her hands, "You're impossible."


The month between Thanksgiving and Christmas came and went, leaving Lilli to pack and climb aboard a snowmobile to head home. She had discovered that the U.P. got bitterly cold, and the only way on and off the island was an ice bridge or the little airbase further inland.

Kitt leaned into her side as they waded through the others searching for their guardians. The two shivered in the bitter winds. Lilli kept one eye open for Andy's curly mass of hair. She'd promised her that they would go to New York City and see the giant Christmas tree (Lilli wasn't entirely thrilled about it, but Andy was trying her best).

"Kitt!" They both turned at the call, facing the blonde. Winna's face split into a grin, "Lilli!"

"Hiya, Wins," Lilli laughed as her friend hugged her tightly. She smiled as she breathed in the familiar scent of apples and cinnamon.

"How is everyone? I haven't been allowed to talk to them." Winna leaned against Kitt's shoulders, making the boy pull a face.

"Everyone was fine, for the most part, when I left," Lilli said, "Though G. lost an ear helping my brother move."

Winna's eyebrows shot up, "What in Merlin's name do you mean by that?"

"Exactly what I said," Lilli glanced around, spotting Andy making her way over. The woman smiled at Winna.

"Hello again, dear." Andy caught her look, "I helped Winna move here. You must come over for Christmas, dear."

"We'd love to, wouldn't we, Kitt?" Winna looked down, and he nodded, "We'll see you then."


"Andy! They're here!" Lilli called, standing and going to the door. Andy poked her head in from the kitchen.

"Remember, Lilli—"

"Check if it's them," she smiled at her guardian, "I know." Winna and Kitt grinned as she opened the door, dressed warmly against the cold that had settled over St. Ignace. "Kitt, what do I call Ms Knight when it's just the three of us?"

"Momo." Winna looked confused, but Kitt just shrugged.

"Winna, what happened my second year with the wardrobe?" This time Winna laughed and Kitt was confused.

"You got fed up with our teasing, so you went in there, but when we opened it, you managed to get back to your bed without us seeing." Lilli grinned, letting them inside.

"Sorry, but with everything at home, we can't be too careful. Happy Christmas!" They settled in the kitchen so Andy could join in on the conversation. Lilli sat on the counter, stirring a pot of cranberry sauce.

"Happy Christmas," Winna was at the table,  Kitt on the floor beside the dishwasher they never used, "So what's happened at home?"

Andy and Lilli shared a look, "So much. We've lost Mad-Eye and Dumbledore. Snape's in charge of Hogwarts. The trio's on the run. Everything points to a full-out battle soon."

Winna paled, "Dumbledore? When?"

"June. Snape killed him on top of the Astronomy Tower." Lilli grimaced, "But not everything's been bad. Remus and Tonks got married, as did Bill and Fleur."

"They did? That's wonderful!" She seemed to remember something, "What are you doing here, Lils? I would have thought you'd be at Hogwarts."

"Someone told about me," Lilli said, pouring the cranberry sauce into a serving dish, "So here I am."

Andy clapped her hands together, "Alright, enough sad talk. It's Christmas! Let's celebrate it!"

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