Dance Lessons and Derring-Dos

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"What are we doing again?" Lilli asked as she followed Draco through the halls. He had pulled her away from her book (not that she'd been reading much anyway - the Great Gatsby was dreadfully boring) without explanation.

They arrived at an empty classroom. "I am going to teach you how to waltz."

Lilli looked at him blandly, "Is that it? I already know that."

"Then let's see it," Draco extended a hand, "I don't need you to make me look bad, now do I?"

She rolled her eyes, letting him lead. Uncle Sirius had taught her over the summer after she had found a picture of him and Uncle Moony dancing around the Gryffindor Common Room. It had helped lift his spirits, getting to teach her something new.

"It'll do," he said as they finished the steps. Lilli pushed him, making him crack a smile. He fetched a box from one of the desks, "This came today. Make sure you like it."

Lilli opened the box, revealing a midnight blue dress. When she pulled it out, crystals caught the light, forming constellations across the skirt of the dress. She grinned.

"It'll do," she mocked. He made a face at her. "Did your mother pick this out?"

A pale pink crept up his face, "No. I designed it and Mother helped make it." Lilli looked surprised, studying the dress in her hands.

"It's gorgeous, Draco," she set it back in the box, bumping him with her shoulder, "You would be a great fashion designer."

Draco scoffed, "As if my father would let me. Be sure to hang that up when you get back to the dorm." 

She balanced the dress box in her arms, "It's your life, Draco. Maybe you should try living it for once."


"Lils, come on! It's time for the second task!" Elspeth dragged her friend out of the common room, where she had been reading. She groaned, tucking her book under her arm. Lilli actually liked this one, Anne of Green Gables. Anne was quite funny, and something about her felt so familiar.

They made their way to the seats around the Black Lake, finding Winna, Leo. and Jesse among the crowd. Nat waved from the front row of the Durmstrang seats and Lilli waved back. She also spotted Aunt Thia down by Madam Pomfrey, but they were both frowning, looking at the Lake.

"What even is the task?" Leo asked, peering out over the water, "Lilli?"

"Why do you think I'd know?" She asked crossly, looking up from her book again. 

"You're the one who's closest with a champion," Winna said, tugging at Lilli's curls, a grin on her face, "Little miss Durmstrang over here."

She rolled her eyes, "I've not a clue what the task is. I don't talk about the Tournament with them."

Winna laughed, "Lils, have you eaten today? You're awfully surly."

"Of course, I..." she paused. No, she hadn't.

"That's what I thought. Here," Winna handed her a lollipop as Ludo Bagman began to explain the task, "It's not much, but it'll tide you over for now."

"Thanks," Lilli unwrapped it, letting the sugary treat melt on her tongue. The headache she hadn't realised was there eased. Splashes from the water caught her attention, and she watched as the champions disappeared beneath the waves.

A hushed silence fell over the crowd, as if they expected them to immediately come back. Lilli was going to return to her book when she caught sight of a girl sitting by herself.

"I'll be back," she stood, inching away from the people to the Ravenclaw, "Hey! Luna, right?"

She turned bespectacled eyes to Lilli, a distracted smile on her lips, "You've got Wrackspurts in your mind, Elliana."

Lilli sat beside her, ignoring the odd feeling in her chest, "You never did explain what those are."

"They're invisible little creatures. They float in through your ears and make your brain go fuzzy." Luna returned her gaze to her magazine, "Most people have them during classes, but not many have them right now. You do."

"Huh. I wonder why," Lilli grinned a little at the odd girl beside her, "What are you reading?"

"The Quibbler. It's my father's magazine," Luna offered it to her, "Would you like to read it?"

"No thank you. I've my own book," Lilli showed her the cover, "Have you ever read Anne of Green Gables?"

"No," Luna took off her odd glasses.

"The main character, Anne, reminds me of you, actually. Not really understood by others, seen as a little odd. You're both very creative too."

"Would you read it to me?" Luna asked, blue eyes focused on the water, "I've a hard time reading long books."

"Of course," she marked her page, flipping to the beginning, "Mrs Rachel Lynde lived just where the Avonlea main road dipped down into a little hollow, fringed with alders and ladies' eardrops..."

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