Memories and Mad-Eye

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"Mum? What was my parents' wedding like?"

"Why don't I show you instead? Harry left his pensive here."


"There's Mad-Eye Moody," she said, "And your parents. My aunt Thia, Andy, and a few other Order members."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," Mad-Eye Moody declared, his blue eye rolling around crazily, "You may kiss the bride."

Lilli cheered with Thia, Andromeda Tonks, and the rest of the small assembly of people. The newlyweds broke apart, grinning. She caught her uncle's eye, mouthing, 'I told you so!' He just grinned at her.

"Alright, cake time!" Tonks said, pulling a laughing Remus behind her. The others followed, smiling widely. Here was a spot of happiness in the darkening world around them. They all intended to hold on to it as long as they could.

Tonks settled beside Lilli afterwards, having changed from her dress to a pair of leggings and a t-shirt Lilli was fairly sure was Remus's. The grin had not left her face, and her hair was a happy bubblegum pink.

"You weren't teasing about the hair, huh?" Teddy ran a hand through his own pink mop.

She laughed, kissing his head, "Never a moment, mon chéri."

"I told you he'd come around," Lilli said, taking a bite of her second slice of cake. Tonks swiped a bit of frosting.

"Yes, yes, you did," Tonks conceded, wrapping an arm around the younger witch, "And I'm couldn't be happier that you were right." She pecked Lilli's temple.

"Please don't tell me I have to call you Aunt Tonks now," Lilli teased, looking up. She made a face, shaking her head.

"I would pay you not to call me that, Lils. That makes me feel old." They laughed, and Remus came over, sitting on Lilli's other side. He stole some frosting as well.

"You two are incorrigible, you know that?" Lilli said, pointing her fork at them, "Go get your own cake!"

A flash caught their attention, and Lilli looked up to see Thia waving a camera at them, smiling wickedly.

"First family photo," Thia studied it as it developed, "Not a one of you are photogenic, I'm sorry to say."

"Not a family photo without you and Andy," Remus said, waving his wand at the camera. Andy and Thia joined them, leaning against the back of the couch. There were a click and a flash, and a polaroid printed out.

Thia took it, fanning it quickly, "Much better. Welcome to the family, Tonks."

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