New Adventures

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"Ellie?" She looked up at Remus's voice. He stood in the doorway of Andy's living room. Lilli stood, dashing over to hug him. "Thank Merlin, you're okay."

"The twins got Ginny and me out right away," she told him, looking back at their sleeping forms, "What about everyone else? Are they okay?"

"We don't know where the trio is," he said quietly, a haunted look in his eyes, "No deaths on our side, though. Let's talk in the kitchen."

Remus wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pressing a kiss to her hair as they stepped into the light of the kitchen. Thia, Tonks, and Andy sat at the table, cups of tea cradled in their hands. Thia and Tonks stood when she came in, both coming to hug her before sitting down again.

"What's this I hear about you casting a Patronus message?" Remus asked, impressed. Lilli coloured, playing with the end of her braid. Ginny had done it while they waited for word.

"I've done it before," she said, embarrassed, "During the attack at school. One to McGonagall, one to Snape."

"You've managed three?" Andy was definitely fascinated, "How? You're, what, fifteen? Most of the Ministry couldn't manage it now."

"Intention," Lilli shrugged, "I figured out a long time ago that magic relies more on intention than on words. A lot of witches and wizards have forgotten that."

"That's amazing," Tonks said, watching the girl, "If you ever want to be an Auror, let me know."

Remus kicked his wife playfully, "Don't go putting dangerous notions in her head."

"Speaking of danger," Thia turned toward Lilli, "What happened? Tonks says someone grabbed you."

Lilli pulled her knees to her chest, "Everyone was having a good time, then Mr Shacklebolt's Patronus came in. We all froze, then I pushed Luna to her father. The charms broke, and Death Eaters started appearing. Someone grabbed me and held his wand to my throat."

She took a deep breath, looking up at her family, "He knew I was a Potter. Wondered what he could get from He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I slammed my head back so he'd let go, and that's when George came and got me out of there." Silence reigned in the kitchen as the adults absorbed the information.

"Who would have told?" Tonks asked, a troubled look on her face.

"Snape, maybe," Lilli traced the patterns of Tonks' old nightgown, "Or Draco. I don't like to think it'd be him, but..."

"Either way, it's not safe for you here," Remus said grimly, "And I'm not sure it's a good idea for you to return to Hogwarts. If Dumbledore was still there..."

"I agree," Thia sighed, running a hand through her hair, "We've no way of knowing who else knows about you."

"So I'm going into hiding then," Lilli said, looking up and resting her chin in her hand. She wasn't surprised, really. After all, she'd had her doubts of going back to Hogwarts when she'd said goodbye to August in June. But doubting it and knowing it wasn't going to be were two very different things.

"I'm afraid so, babydoll," Thia reached across and tugged a curl, "Think of it as a new adventure."


Ginny followed Lilli to the door, handing her bag over once she had fastened the end of her braid, "Be careful, okay, Lils? I don't want to have to break any bad news to Harry."

Lilli laughed, hugging her friend, "I'll be fine, Gin. Watch out for Neville and Luna, will you? And Elsie, if you can."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure they're okay. Anyone else?"

"Tell August I'm sorry, yeah? And give him this," Lilli handed Ginny a note, which she promised to pass on. Then the twins came over, and Ginny faded away. George wrapped an arm over her shoulders, and Fred rubbed her head affectionately.

"Take care of yourself, Lilli." Fred said, "Else Winna might have our heads."

"If you want to keep up," George murmured, slipping a radio into her bag, "Programmed for Lee's station and a few others. Password for this week is 'Hell-Raiser'."

Lilli hugged them, "Be careful, the both of you. I'll see you when I get back."

Finally, it was Remus and Tonks, who hugged the girl. Remus slipped chocolate into her bag. She rolled her eyes, hugging him again.

"Constant vigilance, Lils," Tonks winked, running a hand over Lilli's hair, "Don't worry, Mum will take good care of you."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Remus said, a twinkle in his eyes, "But..."

"Don't do anything Padfoot would," Lilli finished, a smiling tugging at her lips, "I'm going to miss you, Uncle Moony."

He kissed her head, "Take care, my little light."


I'm not coming back. At least not this year. I guess this is goodbye; I don't want you to wait for me. I'll always remember our adventures, but it's time for a new one.


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