Resignations and Revelations

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It did, in fact, feel like forever for Lilli. Although her friends brought her schoolwork to do, and Remus and Thia visited often, there was still a lot of time she was alone.

Harry left after the weekend, returning to his classes and his own bed. He still wondered about the little Slytherin girl all alone in the Hospital Wing. Sometimes, he found himself thinking that he should go and visit her, although he couldn't fathom why.

But after her eternity, the school year passed quickly by, with little excitement for anyone who wasn't Harry or his friends. Sirius Black broke into the castle again, this time threatening the youngest Weasley boy with a knife. Then, and no one was quite sure what happened, Sirius kidnapped Ron and Snape had saved the day, while Remus turned into a werewolf.

The angry letters began as soon as word got out, and Lilli knew there was no chance that her uncle would stay.

"Has Harry tried to talk to you yet?" Lilli asked, sitting on Remus' desk and swinging her legs. Her uncle looked up from his bookshelf, shaking his head.

"I don't think he knows yet," Remus continued stacking books in his briefcase, "And even if he does, you know I can't stay."

"Well, you could. Any student here would say you're the best DADA teacher we've had. But I know you won't, because you're worried you might forget your potion again," Lilli eyed her uncle, "And you can keep an eye on Padfoot if you're home."

Remus chuckled, "You're too bright for your own good, little light." He stood, making his way around the desk to an old piece of parchment. As Lilli watched, he tapped his wand to the paper, whispering, "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good."

To her amazement, lines skittered across the paper, followed by footsteps. And across the middle read the lines:

Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, 
Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers, 
are proud to present 

"Woah," Lilli's eyes traced the names at the top. This was the work of her family, of her dad and Remus. This was incredible.

Remus laughed, his finger following a dot on the map labelled 'Harry Potter', "I think he knows now."

Lilli slipped off the desk, "I'm off, then. Madam Pomfrey wants one last check over before I leave next week."

"Alright," Remus hugged her, "I'll see you when you get home."

A knock sounded at the door, and Lilli turned to look. It was Harry, looking just slightly uncomfortable and a little winded.

"I saw you coming," Remus tapped the map. Lilli smiled at her uncle, who ruffled her hair and nodded.

"I just saw Hagrid," said Harry. "And he said you'd resigned. It's not true, is it?"

As Lilli stepped past him, she whispered, "He won't change his mind, trust me." 

The door closed behind her as Harry asked, "Who was that?" Lilli hid a small frown. How long before she could tell her own brother that they were related? 

"Are you alright, Miss Simmons?" Lilli looked up at Professor McGonagall, schooling her face behind a mask of indifference.

"Quite alright, Professor. How are you?" 

"Just fine, my dear. Where are you headed?"

"I've an appointment with Madam Pomfrey. Wants to be sure I'm alright before I leave for home next week." 

"If you don't mind, I'll come with. I'm heading that way." The Transfiguration teacher fell in step with her, "Have you told anyone yet, Miss Simmons?"

Lilli shook her head, "Professor Dumbledore thinks it's best I don't. Although, after last night," she glanced up at McGonagall, who nodded, "That might have changed."

"Sometimes, Miss Simmons, you might feel the urge to disobey the higher authority. And if your father and his friends were to be believed, You should always listen to that urge." McGonagall winked as they approached the Hospital Wing, "Now might be one of those times."


"Come on, Lilli!" Draco was half pulling this girl behind him as they hurried towards the train.

"Draco, we've still an hour before the train leaves! Are you this desperate to get your compartment?" Lilli laughed, pushing hair out of her face. Draco rolled his eyes.

"No, but I am desperate to hide from Parkinson," He threw a glance over his shoulder as they stepped into their normal compartment. It was Lilli's turn to roll her eyes. Pansy was sweet if you got past her snobbiness, but she was awfully clingy with Draco.

"You could just tell her you don't like her like that."

"Don't you think I've tried? She doesn't take no for an answer," Draco ran a hand through his hair, making it stand up slightly. Lilli laughed, curling into the corner as quiet overtook the space. Her mind kept going back to her conversation with Professor McGonagall a week ago.

Should she tell someone? Who could she tell, though? Winna and Leo would believe her, but it was also hard to get them alone. Draco? Remus would probably warn her against that, him being a Malfoy, but for some reason, Lilli felt he would be the best person to tell. After all, if he accepted it, no one else could really say anything about it.

"Hey, Draco?" He looked up from his book, "Can I tell you a secret?"

"'Course, Lilli." She leaned forward, and he did the same.

"You have to keep this a secret, okay? No one knows this apart from my family, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Dumbledore." He nodded, "Okay. So, you know that my last name at school is Simmons, yeah? That's because it isn't safe to use my real last name. I'm not Elliana Simmons, I'm Elliana Potter. Harry is my brother."

Whatever response she was expecting, Draco bursting out laughing was not it. She sat back, one eyebrow raised as she waited for him to realise she wasn't joking. Slowly, his laughter faded as he saw that she wasn't laughing.

"Wait, you're serious? Potter, The Boy-Who-Lived, is your brother?" Lilli nodded, "Bloody hell, Lils. Does he know?"

"Nope," she popped the 'p', "And it's going to stay that way for a while, I think. Dumbledore doesn't think it's safe to tell him."

"So you're a Potter, huh?" He placed his chin in his palm, studying her, "So I've gotten your family wrong twice now. First Weasley, then Simmons. Now Potter."

Lilli laughed as Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle joined them. She excused herself, going to find Winna and Leo and leaving the boys to talk.

"Oi! Lils!" She turned, catching sight of Jesse Tuck waving her over. She joined the Gryffindor, relieved to find the rest of her friends there as well.

"There you are!" Winna said, patting the seat between her and Elspeth, "Now Leo, what's your news? He wouldn't share until you got here."

They turned to the Ravenclaw, who was holding a letter tightly in his hand. A grin plastered itself across his face as he looked up, "I'm getting adopted."

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