Compartment C and Broken Noses

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"Any clue to what this is about?" Blaise whispered as they approached compartment C. Lilli shook her head.

"Just know that Slughorn's the new Potions Master." 

They knocked at the door, which was answered with a booming, "Come in!"

Blaise entered first, then Lilli, and they saw they weren't the only ones invited. Lilli saw Ginny and two seventh-years she didn't recognize. Ginny grimaced at Lilli, casting a look towards Professor Slughorn. She obviously wasn't enthused about being stuck in the corner beside him.

"Ah, Mr Zabini! And you must be Elliana Simmons! Lovely to meet you!" He shook their hands cheerfully, waving for them to have a seat. Lilli settled across from Ginny, also squeezed rather uncomfortably against the wall.

"We're just waiting on a few more," Slughorn smiled, settling comfortably in his seat. Ginny pulled a face, and Lilli stifled a giggle. "Miss Simmons, how is your mother? I didn't realise she had kids."

Lilli started, then laughed lightly, "You mean my godmother, Professor. Aunt Thia raised me alongside my godfather, Remus Lupin. She's doing quite well."

"Ah, yes. And how is Remus? Nasty business, that affair with Severus a few years ago." Lilli smiled warmly.

"He's doing well, Professor. Lobbying for better work rights for werewolves right now, I believe." In a way, true. He was actually living among a werewolf clan, trying to sway them to Dumbledore's side of the war.

"Well, that's certainly a good cause," Slughorn turned to one of the other boys just as the door opened. Lilli looked around her neighbour to see Harry and Neville standing awkwardly in the doorway.

Slughorn lept to his feet, grinning wildly, "Harry, m'boy! Come in, come in!"


"Don't tell me you were actually enjoying that!" Ginny exclaimed as she and Lilli hurried away from compartment C, "That was so boring!"

"Benefits of being around the snobbish purebloods," Lilli laughed, "I've learned how to play nice with the powerful."

Ginny laughed too, "I don't know how you manage to keep from slapping each one of them senseless."

"Trust me, it's hard," Lilli said, stopping in front of her compartment with Leo and Jesse, "Especially when Draco goes into his 'my father will hear about this' tangents."

"I'll see you later, Lils," Ginny grinned, still laughing. Lilli saluted her, turning and entering the compartment.

"Well, what was that about?"


Lilli sat in the late afternoon sun, her face turned up to the warmth. Only six days into the new term. Only six days since Snape had become their Defense teacher (he'd had her continue into the sixth year Defense classes, at least through her OWLs). Six days since she had seen her uncle and aunt. Five since she had been giving one Draco Malfoy the silent treatment for hurting her brother.

"Watch ou—" The call came too late, and a rugby ball slammed into her head. Lilli cried out, her hands going to cover her nose as someone dropped beside her. She glared at him, feeling blood begin to trickle between her fingers.

"Oh, Gods, I'm sorry! Here," he pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket, giving it to her, "Tilt your head forward and pinch. Does it feel broken?"

Lilli took the square of cloth, trying not to bump her nose. Then, with careful fingers, she felt along the bridge, wincing, "Definitely bruised, at the very least. Mind helping me up?"

The boy sprang to his feet, offering his hand. She rolled her eyes, a small smile flickering on her face at the apologies still spewing from his lips.

"Can I at least walk you to the Infirmary? I feel rotten." He tossed the ball between his hands, looking at her through his lashes.

"I suppose if you tell me your name." The boy brightened, tossing the ball to his friend and hurrying to catch up with her. She shifted the handkerchief, wincing.

"August," he said, holding the door for her, "Greene. You're Lilli, right?"

She nodded, looking over at him, "What house are you in, August?"

"Ravenclaw, sixth year. We had Defence together last year." He grinned, "Never saw someone stand up to Umbridge like you did."

A blush crawled across her cheeks, "I merely pointed out the faults in her teaching plan. Nothing wrong with that."

August laughed, sparks flashing in his green eyes, "Uh-huh, sure. Woah," he caught her as she tripped over the last step on the staircase, "Watch out."

"Thanks." She glanced around, making eye contact with Harry. He frowned at August's hand on her shoulder, but she looked away. He'd give her hell for this later, when there weren't people around.

August opened the door of the Hospital Wing, and Lilli stepped inside, drawing Madam Pomfrey's attention. Her great aunt hurried over, fussing over her.

"What happened?"

"Got smacked in the face by a rugby ball," Lilli winced as Madam Pomfrey felt her nose, "Is it broken?"

"Episkey," Madam Pomfrey grinned wickedly as Lilli flinched, feeling the bones shift back into place, "It isn't anymore."

"Thanks, Madam Pomfrey," she rubbed her nose, grateful that it didn't hurt anymore.

"Run along now," Lilli smiled at her, "And tell Thia hello next time you write."

"Of course!" August gave her a strange look as she followed him into the corridor, "She raised my aunt."

"Ah." An awkward silence fell over the pair, and Lilli looked around again. It felt like someone was watching her, but the hallway was empty. Or at least looked that way. There. A flicker of red against the stone.

August drew her attention away, "Hey, um... First Hogsmeade trip is next weekend. Would you want to go? With me?"

Lilli glanced at him, a smile tugging her lips, "Hitting me with the rugby ball better not have been your way of orchestrating this."

He chuckled, "No, although I wouldn't put it past my friend. I've kinda been meaning to ask you for a while."

"Oh," Lilli said, eyes going wide for a moment, "Yeah, I'll go with you."

"Wait, really?" Hope brightened his eyes, and Lilli had to stifle another giggle. She nodded. They paused in the Great Hall, as Lilli was headed to the common room and August back outside.

"Next week, then?"

He grinned, "Next week."

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