Babydoll and Bullies

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"Yes, ma chérie?"

"Why did Uncle Moony and Aunt Thia make you change your name?"

"Actually, I suggested it."


"Uncle Moony?" The tiny redhead looked up at her scarred guardian, who hummed in acknowledgement as he set down his paper. Thia looked over her book at Elliana.

"Is it a good idea for me to go by Elliana Potter at Hogwarts? Especially since Harry doesn't know who I am?"

"She's got a point, Rem. and with what happened last year, it might be best if she went by a different last name." Thia joined the two at the table, ruffling Elliana's hair.

"Alright, so what do we change it to? Evans?"

"Still might be a bit obvious. Snape, in particular, would know in a heartbeat."

"He probably already will. Ellie looks just like Lily," Remus said, noticing the grin that appeared on his goddaughter's face, "Although that smile is all James."

"Yes, it is," Thia smiled fondly at the girl, "Why don't you use Simmons, babydoll? You've been seen with me enough in the Wizarding Community that people would believe it if you were related to me."

Elliana and Remus nodded, and Remus summoned a piece of paper and a pen, "I'll write to Minnie and see if she'll change it on the roster."


"Oi! Move, Longbottom!" A voice called out as Elliana went to round a corner. She paused, peering around the wall to see who was carrying on so. What she saw upset her, as she honestly hated bullies.

A second-year, a Slytherin by the colour of his tie, was glaring down at a second-year who was scrambling to pick up a pile of books.

"Why do you even try with these books, eh, Longbottom? They won't help you grow some brains." Elliana had heard enough and stepped around the corner.

"Stop picking on the poor kid," now that she could see the second-year's face, she knew who it was, "Theodore Nott. You're setting an excellent example for your first year. Hello, Rosa."

Her fellow first-year flushed and gave her a small wave. Elliana levelled a glare at Nott.

"Move along, Nott, before I go find Professor McGonagall." The second-year snorted.

"She's not our head of house, squirt. She'd leave it up to Snape, who'd side with me."

"Honestly, how did you even become a Slytherin? Aren't we supposed to be ambitious? What's ambitious about beating up a second-year Gryffindor?" Elliana turned away from the Slytherin pair to help the Gryffindor pick up his books, "You know, this is why Gryffindors hate us. Because we enforce the stereotypes they put on us."

"You'd better watch yourself, Simmons. Talking like that'll get you in trouble." Nott warned.

Elliana made a great show of looking around, even picking up one of the boy's books and rifling through the pages, "That's funny. I can't seem to find where I asked for your fucking opinion."

"Tsk, tsk, Simmons. That wasn't very ladylike. You wouldn't want to start a fight, now would you?"

"Ladies do not start fights, but they can end them. So, fuck off, Nott." She helped the boy with the last of his books, leading him toward the library.

"Thank you," he said meekly, glancing at the redhead from under his blond bangs.

Elliana smiled at him, "It was no trouble. I hate bullies. I'm Elliana."


"Pleasure to meet you. What kind of books do you have there?"

"Oh, they're all on Herbology. It's the only thing I'm good at," Neville mumbled.

"I'm sure that's not the only thing you're good at," Elliana exclaimed, "Maybe you just haven't figured out the other things."

Neville gave her a weak smile, "Thank you. But really, I'm not much of a wizard. When I had flying lessons last year, I fell off my broom and broke my wrist."

"So, you're not very good at flying. And you struggle with classwork. That's not everything." Elliana caught the dubious look he sent her way, "It's not. Herbology is incredibly important in a lot of magic. If a potioneer didn't have someone to collect the right herbs, it would be disastrous. If a Healer gives a patient essence of moly instead of the essence of dittany, then the patient will grow toes all over their body."

Neville glanced at her, "I didn't know about the moly vs dittany."

"My aunt is a Healer at St Mungo's. Granted she does mental healing, but she had to go through the other stuff as well. One of the Healers-in-training did that last year."

He cracked a smile as they reached the library, "Thanks, Elliana."


Dear Moony and Thia,

I don't know if you've heard, but yesterday there was an attack. No one was hurt, but Mrs Norris was petrified. Harry and his friends found her, with a message that said "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware."

Have you ever heard of the Chamber of Secrets?  I know it has something to do with Salazar Slytherin, but other than that, no one knows anything. My mentor, Draco Malfoy, seems to think this is some sort of joke, to scare muggleborns out of Hogwarts. Sometimes I want to practice my Bat-Boogey Hex on him.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you if you hadn't heard and see if you knew anything. I'll see you both at Christmas!



Dear Babydoll,

Neither of us had heard about the Chamber of Secrets before this. Remus did some research and found out some things. It's apparently a secret chamber under the dungeons, built by Salazar Slytherin. He sealed it and no one would be able to open it until his true heir arrived. Only they would be able to open the chamber and purge the school of those "unworthy" of studying magic.

As for your mentor, I think you should practice your Bat-Boogey Hex on him, although Remus is slapping my arm for saying that. Fine, maybe just some itching powder in his robes. Can't trace that back to you.

Ellie, don't listen to Thia. You hex that boy and I'm taking away your books.

You can think of something better than that.

If we come across anything else about it, we'll owl you. Be careful, babydoll, and we'll see you at Christmas.

All our love,
   Thia and Cosette (and Remus, I suppose

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