Welcomes and Weasleys

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"I began Hogwarts a year after your uncle. We didn't even know each other back then, though. Things first started when I was sorted..."


"Simmons, Elliana," Professor McGonagall called into the near-silence. More than halfway through the sorting and the students were getting restless. Not many paid attention to the tiny redhead creeping towards the three-legged stool; only a bushy-haired second year, two redheaded twins, and a third-year with silky blonde hair watched her.

Hmmm. A voice sounded in her head. A lineage of Gryffindors in your family, did you know that, child? You would certainly fit there, but is it the best for you? You'd fit well in Hufflepuff. Caring, loyal, even to the brother you've never met. Maybe Ravenclaw? You're creative, that's for sure. Even Slytherin would have some advantages for you. Any opinions, Miss Potter?

Not really. I trust your judgement, Mister Hat.

The Hat chuckled, Well then, which house needs you the most? Gryffindor could use you to keep your brother in line. Slytherin's in need of a good person, someone to give them a raise in status. Ravenclaw would be grateful for someone so creative, give the knocker some new riddles. Hufflepuff could use recognition. Always such nice students. Helga would always give me a good cleaning whenever Godric tossed me on the floor. The Sorting Hat seemed lost in memories for a moment before it snapped back, Ah, yes. I know exactly where you'll fit.

But still, the Hat stayed quiet for a moment longer. Then, with a roar that could be heard even in the back of the Hall, it yelled "Slytherin!"

Silence found her ears as McGonagall gave her a small smile. Slowly, a clamour began at the green table, and Elliana slipped off the stool. She made her way toward the closest open seat, beside a girl sitting all alone. She was pretty, with long blonde hair and charming brown eyes. A smile graced her face when Elliana sat beside her.

"Well, hello. I'm Winter, but call me Winna," The older girl said. Elliana's smile was tight and her arms were wrapped around herself as she looked around the room.

"Elliana Simmons," Her voice was hardly above a whisper, catching the glares that other Slytherins sent their way. Winna noticed and shifted slightly so that Elliana could no longer see them.

"Do you have any siblings, Elliana?" Winna asked.

"I don't know. I was taken in by my godfather not long after I was born because my parents couldn't care for me. He doesn't like to talk about it."

"I'm sorry." From most people, those words sounded false, but Winna made it sound sincere, "You know, I volunteer at an orphanage during the summer. One of the boys, Leo, he's been trying to find his birth mother. You could try that for siblings."

"I'll think about it. But I'm fine with Uncle Remus. It's always just been the two of us, except when I went to my grandfather Lyall or Aunt Thia," Elliana explained, "Is Leo like us?"

"You mean a wizard? Yes. He's a year above you, but he was sorted into Ravenclaw," Winna fell quiet, "I'll introduce the two of you later. It'd be good for you to have some friends outside Slytherin."


Elliana followed Winna down the stairs to what appeared to be a dead-end corridor. She was about to say something when the older witch paused in front of a bare stretch of wall.

"To get in," Winna began, "You just need the password. It changes weekly, and the new password is posted to the left on the inside. This week, it's 'oneirodynia'." The wall in front of her melted away and Elliana followed Winna into the Slytherin Common Room. The space was huge, with pale grey walls and emerald couches and chairs scattered around. One wall had a window seat that looked out into the Black Lake. A cluster of first-years stood around it, and Elliana ran over to look. A figure floated outside of the glass, a slightly creepy fishy humanoid creature.

"Meet Nixie," Winna said as she came up behind her, "One of the mermaids who live here. She loves meeting the First Years, and she knows a bit of British Sign Language." Elliana turned to look at her friend, accidentally bumping into a boy who was walking past. The girl turned scarlet, spewing apologies that began to taper out under the blond's scornful gaze.

"Red hair and a hand-me-down robe. You must be a Weasley," The boy said contemptuously, "Slytherin has really gone down the drain, letting in blood traitors as well as mudbloods." He directed the last comment toward Winna, who waved a hand.

"Oh shove off. You're about as intimidating as a ferret," The fourth year told the boy, "Good night, Elliana. I'll see you tomorrow." She disappeared down a side hall.

"For your information, I'm not a Weasley, nor am I a blood traitor. But it is none of your business what I am, so good night to you, ferret." Elliana turned and followed the female Prefect as she called for first-years.


"Alright, First and Second Years. Here in Slytherin, we have a tradition of mentors for the First Years. You will randomly be assigned a Second Year mentor, who will be in charge of making sure you eat, get to class on time, and complete your homework," The fifth-year Prefect pulled out a sheet of parchment, "Seleks, you're with Crabbe. Fen and Jennings. Simmons and Malfoy. Wisthill and Nott.

The girl continued, reading of the pairs. Elliana looked around, trying to figure out who Malfoy was. The redhead waited for someone to indicate that they were the boy mentioned. Uncle Remus had never told her much about the Malfoys, except that they were extremely prejudiced and could be easily recognized by their signature blond hair. The problem was, there was a total of four boys that fit that criteria and only one of them had a partner. One of the boys was the one she bumped into the day before, and she prayed it wasn't him. 

Luck was not on her side.

"You must be Simmons," A voice drawled in her ear. Elliana jumped, spinning so fast that she would have fallen over if the boy hadn't grabbed her wrist. A smirk spread across his face, and Elliana itched to smack it off.

"Yes, although I prefer Elliana. I'm guessing you're Malfoy?" The boy chuckled. He began to lead her over to his friends.

"Listen, Elliana, I believe we got off on the wrong foot. We're about to be forced to interact for the rest of the year, and I think it'd be best to at least get along, don't you agree?" He looked down at her, because although they were only a year apart, he was a good half-foot taller. She watched him sceptically, before nodding. Just because they promised to get along did not mean she had to like this presumptuous toe-rag. And she didn't. Not one bit.

He reminded her too much of Uncle Remus' stories of Sirius Black.


"Mama, why didn't Sirius take you too?"

"He didn't know I was there. Did you know that the first night at Hogwarts, I dreamed of that day?"

"What was the dream about?"

The woman closed her eyes, letting the story flow from her.

"Screams wrenched through the air, meeting her ears. Flashes of light danced in front of her eyes, colours she didn't know yet, words she couldn't understand. Then there was a man, a blob of black in the swirls of light and darkness that made up the room she shared with her brother.

Through it all, the girl stayed quiet. Not a sound passed her lips until she felt her brother leave the room, wrapped in the arms of a man with wild eyes and hair.

Visions played out before the girl. Her father making silly faces. Her mother, crooning a lullaby. Her brother, trying to teach her patty cake.

These visions amused her, and she began to giggle.

The muggles who explored the destroyed home said it was haunted. Remus Lupin knew it was not."


Oneirodynia - Intense mental distress caused by dreaming

A/N - Just to clear up some confusion, Thia Simmons is an OC of mine! She's Elliana's godmother, was a few years behind the Marauders, and basically Remus and Lily's little sister. You can read her full story on my page - Sunflowers!

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