Mackinac and Momo

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Quiet feet traced the now-familiar pathways, fingers smoothed navy pleats. She had come to love the peace that fell as day faded to night, the soft hum of the fairy-lights as they blazed into existence. In the distance, the waves of Lake Huron lapped against the shore.

Lilli sighed, homesickness washing over her. Two months had come and gone since she left home, one since she had begun school at Mackinac Island Institute of Magick, and two weeks since she had last heard from Andy. 

She could hear her classmates laughing in the courtyard, but she didn't feel the urge to join them. They'd only laugh and mock her accent, or make crude passes at her. And if she heard "You don't sound British, you're probably faking" one more time, she was going to slap someone.

"Lia! Ms Knight is looking for you!" Lilli turned toward the speaker, catching sight of Reyna Serrano standing on one of the balconies. She waved, then disappeared inside. Lilli sighed, tugging her cloak tighter against the cold wind. It wasn't that she disliked Ms Knight; she didn't. She was a good teacher, even though it seemed the sight of Lilli caused her pain. It was much the same look Professor Snape had given her.

Lilli knocked on the Transfiguration teacher's door, opening when she was called in.

"You asked to see me, ma'am?" Ms Knight nodded, waving her over to where she sat at the front of the classroom.

"Sit, Lia," Lilli settled into the chair across from her, "How are you adjusting?"

"Fine, I suppose. It's very similar to Hogwarts, but not at the same time," Lilli shrugged, a small smile on her face, "It's strange, going from using verbal spells to using wordless magic."

"Yes, I guess that is quite the change," Ms Knight laughed, "I certainly felt strange when I first came here and I was the only one still saying my spells. But you've managed quite beautifully, I must say."

"Thank you."

"And I've a favour to ask. One of my other second-year students is struggling to adjust to wordless magic. Would you be willing to tutor him for a few weeks, until he gets the hang of it?"

Lilli nodded, thankful for the distraction, "Of course, ma'am. I'd love to tutor him."

"Wonderful! If you stop by after your last period tomorrow, I'll introduce you and get you set up." Ms Knight leaned back in her chair, "You're from Middlesbrough, yeah?"

"For the past few years, yes. Before that, it was pretty all over the place."

"I'm aware this is a long shot, but are you related to Thia Simmons?" Lilli bit her lip, glancing around even though they were the only ones in the room.

"She's my godmother. She sent me here so I wouldn't get mixed up with everything at home." She cocked her head, "How do you know her, Ms Knight?"

"Ah," the woman's cheeks coloured, "We were... very close friends for a long time after Hogwarts. Really right up until I moved here."

Lilli caught on her pause, a smile spreading across her face, "Forgive my asking, but are you Momo? I remember you, from when I was little."

A grin lit up the older witch's face, "I wasn't sure if you would. You were so young when Thia and I split. Did she officially adopt you?"

"No, but with who my brother is, it's safer to use a different surname. And since Simmons was less inconspicuous than Lupin," Lilli shrugged, "It was easier."

"Yes, I suppose it is," Ms Knight said, "Say hello to Thia the next time you write home, won't you?"

"Of course," Lilli stood, "Have a good evening, Ms Knight."


"Lia, this is Beckett," Ms Knight said the next day when Lilli stepped inside the classroom, waving her over, "Kitt, she's agreed to be your tutor. Is that alright?"

The boy nodded, barely glancing at Lilli. Ms Knight sighed, but dismissed them. Lilli walked beside him, guiding him towards one of the more sheltered courtyards.

"Alright, what are you having trouble with?" He looked up in surprise, brown eyes wide.

"You're English?" He asked, and she chuckled.

"Yeah. Just moved here this year."

"I did too, with my sister," He fiddled with his wand, "Have you had any word? She's been freaking 'cause she can't owl her friends."

Lilli pulled her hair back as she thought, tying it on top of her head, "Last I heard, it wasn't looking good. Gregorvitch, a wandmaker, was killed. Several smaller battles have been fought. Who are your sister's friends?"

"Fred and George Weasley, Belle Carroll, Leo Hamilton-Black, Elliana Simmons," Kitt listed off. Lilli's heart beat faster.

"Are you Winna's brother?" He nodded, "I'm Elliana."

Kitt raised his eyebrows, "What are you doing here then? She said you were still at Hogwarts."

"Some things happened over the summer. It was safer for me to leave the country." Lilli glanced around, "Last I heard, everyone's okay. Here." She scribbled down Radio station 9 3/4 - Potterwatch - 15/10 password 'Lupin' before tapping her wand to the paper. The letters scrambled. "Send this with your next letter. Only she'll be able to read it. Now, what are you struggling with?"


"How are you?" Lilli looked up at the counsellor. She was quiet, thinking.

Should she tell him that every evening, just before she went down to supper, Lilli tuned into Potterwatch, listening to the news from across the pond? The wins, defeats, death tolls... she listened to them all, feeling her stomach drop lower and lower. Should she tell him that time only worsened her heartache, instead of healing it? She felt like she should be there, be at Hogwarts to help her friends, to help fight, to... to... to do something! To not be 5,400 kilometres away!

Her one consolation was her talks with Kitt and Miss Knight. The two tried their bests to distract her, both knowing the stress the girl was under. Kitt told her what he and Winna had been up to, and Miss Knight regaled them both with stories of Lilli as a child and of her Hogwarts year.

She was thankful for them. Really, she was. But she missed home. She missed her friends. She missed her family. And here she was, on the other side of the world, going to school like nothing was wrong.

"I'm fine."

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