Nonsense and Narnia

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"Hey, do you want to get together later and work on the essay?" Jesper Tuck, Lilli's Potions partner, asked. He was a Gryffindor, but arguably one of the best Potioneers at Hogwarts.

"Sorry, Jesse, but I promised my mentee I'd help her with flying. She wants to try out for seeker next year." 

"I'm sorry, she asked you, Lilli Simmons, to help her with flying? You fell off your broom last year!" Jesse exclaimed, walking with her as they passed Professor Snape on their way out the door. Lilli wasn't sure, but she thought she saw a flash of pain on the teacher's face.

"Oh, hush! I was hoping no one remembered that." They rounded the corner to where they would split; Jesse up to the Great Hall and beyond, and Lilli to her common room, "You're more than welcome to come and show us how it's done, although you might lose your Gryffindor status for fraternizing with the enemy."

He laughed, "I think I can risk it. What time?"

"Five. See you then."


Elspeth, Lilli, and Winna made their way outside, dressed in lightweight jackets and leggings. The evening was warm, but they knew in the air it would be a very different story. Lilli carried a bucket of golf balls and WInna held her broom. She was there mainly because Remus had said an upperclassman had to be there with them, but it also meant she got to fly for once.

"One of my friends has offered to help," Lilli said, "Which is probably for the best."

Lilli unlocked the broom shed with the key her uncle had given her. He had laughed as much as Jesse over Elspeth asking her to help. Remus said she was just like her mother - absolutely hopeless on a broom.

"Hey, guys!" Jesse landed beside them, a grin on his face as he ran a hand through his wind-tousled hair, "Ready for a lesson?"

"Hiya," Lilli smiled, "Winna, Elspeth, meet Jesse Tuck. Jesse, meet Winna and Elspeth."

"Hi." The first year waved awkwardly, making the Gryffindor grin wider. Winna just nodded, going ahead of them into the Quidditch Pitch.

"Let's get started, yeah? You both need brooms." Jesse entered the shed and emerged with two brooms. Elspeth took the one she was offered, but Lilli shook her head emphatically.

"Nope. I am not flying. No way." Elspeth cracked a smile. It was funny seeing her normally-fearless mentor so freaked out. 

"Don't tell me you're scared of heights, Lils," Jesse teased. Lilli's cheeks flamed.

"I am not scared," she said, "I just don't like flying, alright? That's why you're here."

Jesse returned the extra broom to the shed before Lilli locked it again. Then he threw an arm over both of the girls' shoulders.

"Is that the only reason you invited me along, Lilli?" He pouted and she rolled her eyes. Elspeth giggled quietly. "Do you see what I put up with, Elspeth? She's only using me for my quidditch talents."

"Poor wee lamb," Elspeth said, pinching his cheek, "So abused."

Lilli chuckled at the look on Jesse's face. He ducked away from Elspeth's pinching fingers, hiding behind Lilli. 

"Come on, children. I've got to return the key before dinner." She led the way into the Pitch, setting down the pail of golf balls she had brought with her.

"Alright, let's start with some basic warm-ups."


After half an hour of warm-ups, Jesse had Lilli start tossing golf balls at Elspeth. She was a surprisingly good shot, and Elspeth was a good catcher. Out of every ten Lilli threw, Elspeth caught nine of them. 

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