An Unkindness of Ravenclaws

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Lilli sat in a window seat overlooking the back of the castle, sketching the woods there. She was high in the Astronomy tower, and there was a clearing she could see into where a small herd of unicorns was grazing. It was peaceful, a welcome change from the hostilities of the school down below. As the Third Task drew closer, tensions were nearing boiling point between the schools, even more so between the Houses.

Which is why Lilli sat up above, soaking in the calmness while she still could. It was fast becoming a scarce commodity, and Lilli intended to enjoy it while it lasted.

As it turned out, it wasn't long. Hardly twenty minutes after she had started sketching, shrieks of laughter came peeling from down the hall. A girl followed, hurriedly dropping into the seat across from her. Lilli ignored her, turning back to the window. She wanted to finish this for Nymphea's birthday that weekend.

The girl caught her breath, peering back down the hall. She squeaked, ducking back. "Hurry, pretend we're having a conversation."

"Why?" Lilli still didn't look up, taking her wand and tapping her pencil. It changed grades, allowing her to add some of the light that dappled the grass. The girl across from her turned toward the window, releasing her hair from its plait.

"I may or may not have helped set off a prank on some Slytherins. They didn't see me, but they know some of us came this way." Lilli huffed, rolling her eyes as she paused in her motions.

"Did they do something to deserve being pranked?" She asked, sitting up. The girl, who she vaguely recognised as a Ravenclaw in the year above her, shrugged.

"Dunno. They were just the first to come along." She looked back at Lilli, smiling, "Padma Patil. Ravenclaw."

"Lilli Simmons," The name rolled off her tongue easier than water by now, although there was still a twinge of guilt at the lie, "Slytherin."

"Ah, that's why you're offended. It was nothing against your house, although some of them deserve it. Warrington has been an arse since he was passed over for the Tournament."

Lilli couldn't deny that, seeing as she had to listen to his tirades after every task. He always thought he could do it better. Sure enough, a Slytherin ran past, completely ignoring the pair in the window.

"What are you doing?" Padma leaned over, looking at her drawing upside down.

"Sketching. Could you get out of my light, please?" She tapped her pencil again, sharpening it, "It's for my friend's birthday."

"Wicked!" Padma kneeled beside her to see it from the right side, "You're really good."

A yell came from down the hall, "Hey, Patil!"

Padma pulled a face, "Bye!"

Lilli rolled her eyes, praying for no more interruptions as she focused again on the scene in front of her. She at least wanted to finish the unicorns before they left, or before it got too dark. Honestly, it was a surprise that they had remained still this long. Nearly an hour, if she were to judge by the shadows. Ah, well, she wasn't one to look a gift unicorn in the mouth.


**TRIGGER WARNING - Panic Attack**

The dinner bell had long since rang when Lilli finally left her window seat. She had finished her drawing hours ago but hadn't felt the need to leave. The quiet had drawn her into its arms and hushed the world when it dared tried to impose. But as she walked along the empty corridors, running one hand against the stone walls, she felt a weight gathering on her chest. Her breathing grew shallower, and she swallowed harshly. What's happening? 

It wasn't until she looked out the window, catching sight of the nearly full moon, that she realised why.

Aunt Thia had described panic attacks to her. She had seen them before. How could she not, when she had spent countless hours at St. Mungo's in the Trauma Ward? But she couldn't remember how to deal with them.

That thought only caused panic to well up inside her. Her fingers began to tap against her side as she came to a stop. But that didn't feel right, so she continued on, her restlessness growing with every step. Finally, she stopped again, dropping into a window seat and resting her sketch pad on her knees.

She sketched aimlessly, trying to ignore that crushing weight in her lungs. Okay, think. She told herself, what caused it? What's changed between now and earlier?

Her eyes caught on the moon outside, then her reflection in the glass, and suddenly she was thrust back in time.

She hurried away from Myrtle's bathroom, trying to ignore the stillness of the world around her. Dumbledore's words echoed in her head, '... in Harry's best interest, and yours...'. What did he mean by that? Surely no one at Hogwarts would want to do her any harm... right? She was just a girl who survived by Voldemort's inattention. 

Her eyes fell on the moon, and she sighed. Three days until the moon was full. Uncle Remus must be miserable. The thought of her uncle made her realise how much she missed him, and Aunt Thia. She looked again at the window, and she met someone's eyes. Big, yellow eyes.

"Hello, Elliana." A voice slipped through the memory, calling her back. Lilli blinked a few times. For a moment, she thought the moon had become a person. and her heart beat faster. But no, it was Luna Lovegood.

"Oh, hello, Luna." The Ravenclaw smiled, offering her a hand. She took it, tucking her art supplies under her arm. The weight lifted a little.

"You had the worst infestation of Nargles I've ever seen," Luna remarked, walking beside her, "They're gone now, though."

"You'll have to tell me what these Nargles look like at some point. Maybe I could draw them." Lilli was treated to another smile, and she felt that if the moon really was here on Earth, it would be the charmingly batty girl beside her. 

And she didn't mind that in the least.

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