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"Hey, stop that!" The guard shouted as his arms fell against his sides in an oddly limp manner. Cyra smirked as she gripped the poor guard's chest armor through her cell and yanked him closer, his face pressing into the bars that separated the prisoner from the world.

"Sh sh sh... I truly hate to do this, but I'm trying to prove a point. I'll just take these-" Cyra plucked the small ring of keys from the guard's belt, "and be on my way. Nothing personal!"

Cyra jabbed him in a few other places and watched as the guard's limp, unconscious body fell to the floor with a thud on the other side of the cell. Cyra shook her head with a smile and stepped over to unlock the cell door.

She left the guard behind as she exited her cell and made her way down the hallway. As she strolled along, Cyra began to whistle the tune of the song Azula sang to her not long ago in the palace gardens, while she twirled the ring of keys around her finger. She rounded the corner and her eyes landed upon two guards approaching her. They looked away from each other and their conversation when they heard her, eyebrows shooting up in shock and panic.

Before either of the guards could say anything, Cyra sprinted up to them, and within seconds of them spotting her they were both on the ground, limp, only one of them still conscious. Cyra realized her opportunity to get the directions she needed.

"I need you to tell me something, but if you scream I will knock you out immediately, understand?" Cyra asked, eyes glinting dangerously with the threat. The guard did not answer, he only glared and attempted to spit at her. Cyra grunted as she wiped her face, disgust apparent on her features.

"Ugh, how old are you, five? Listen, I just need you to give me the directions to--" Cyra paused, quickly glancing back and forth down the hallways that were on either side of her. She leaned in further and whispered her desired location into the guard's ear, not wanting anyone to hear her plan. When she leaned back the guard was still glaring at her, his mouth clamped shut and his head shaking in a silent 'no way'. Cyra growled as she lit a torch from her two fingers and held them to the guard's throat menacingly.

"How about now?" Cyra snapped impatiently. She watched as the guard gulped in fear and began to tremble, obviously having come to his senses.

"Down the hall, t-take a right," he stuttered, trying to get the words out quickly.

"And then?"

"Down! Down t-two flights of stairs, and um, the- you can't miss it. Please don't kill me," the guard whimpered out.

"Of course not," Cyra smiled sweetly and then knocked the guard unconscious. She stood back up and began to follow the directions she was given, hoping that they were accurate. Cyra continued to whistle as she went, enjoying the air of trepidation she was creating. She knocked a few more guards unconscious as they crossed her path, sparing only one guard to reconfirm the directions.

Cyra was on the second flight of stairs down when she heard the alarm go off. She rolled her eyes at how stupidly long it took the other guards to find the bodies Cyra left scattered behind her like a trail of breadcrumbs. She made it to the floor she desired, sneakily watching through the window of the stairwell door as guards ran in different directions, shouting at each other in panic. There were at least a couple dozen in the hallway, and Cyra smiled with excitement as she pushed open the door, deciding on a grand entrance. She needed to get some practice in, after all.

It took a moment for the guards to realize that she was, in fact, the prisoner that had just escaped her cell, and then another moment for them to shake off their stunned expressions and charge at her.

"Get her!!"

"Don't move!"


"What is she-"

The Warrior's Betrayal (Azula gxg fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now