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"Cyra, you have a letter from the princess," one of the servant girls said softly, walking over to Cyra's spot next to the turtleduck pond. Cyra's heart sped up at the notion.

"Oh, um, thank you for bringing it, Mayu," Cyra responded, taking the letter from the girl, who bowed before leaving again. When she was alone once more, she unrolled the message.


I hope you are well, and keeping up with your important job of thinking about me. My mission to help the Earth King is going smoothly, and I believe I should be coming back home to you very soon. Remember the gown I had made for you? You're going to need it, we will have a celebration.

I miss you,

Cyra found the wording odd, and realized she must have been concerned about possible interceptions. It hadn't been long at all, less than a week since Azula had left. Surely conquering the impenetrable city would've been more of a fight.

Cyra felt a swirl of foreboding for the earth kingdom and giddiness that the princess had sent her a letter. Azula had been thinking of her, and went out of her way to write this and send it. Cyra admired the penmanship for a moment, but then a deep voice behind her startled her.

"So you're the one who has been distracting my daughter. I must say, she has good taste. Just like her father," it said. Cyra turned to see the Fire Lord and immediately dropped to her knees and bowed.

"Fire Lord Ozai, it is an honor to be graced with your presence," Cyra responded dutifully. She was glad to have her face hidden, a scowl had been brought on by this sudden appearance and gross comment. After having spent months with Azula, she had managed to avoid the Fire Lord, but obviously that lucky streak had come to an end.

"Well, it is my palace you're in. Come, follow me," he said, turning back to the walkway, leaving the garden. Cyra stood from her bow and began trailing behind him, reluctantly.

"We must come to an understanding. Cyra, Is it?"

"Yes, Fire Lord Ozai."

"Well Cyra, I have put my whole life into fulfilling my ancestors goals in this war. 100 years have been spent ensuring the fire nation is at the top, as it should be. We are superior, don't you agree?"

"Yes, Fire Lord Ozai," Cyra kept her exterior as emotionless as possible.

"Azula is a very useful to my cause, you see, she has been bred to fight, to lead, unlike her useless brother..."

Cyra tried to tame her anger directed at the Fire Lord. She could take him out easily right now, and it took everything she had to remind herself that it was not her destiny to do so. Heat began to radiate off of her as she continued to listen to the Fire Lord speak about his children like they were pieces to a pai sho board.

"...don't you see?" He finished.

Control yourself, Cyra she thought.

"Of course, Fire Lord Ozai."

"Good girl, Cyra. I'm glad. I believe we've come to an understanding then," he said, turning back around to face Cyra. He had led them both to some sort of portrait hall, with ginormous portraits of past Fire Lords and Avatars.

"And that is?" Cyra questioned, her patience for the man was wearing really thin. He smiled at the girl's sudden burst of sass. He took a few steps forward until he was right in front of Cyra, and then leaned down as though he were about to tell her a secret.

"If Azula makes even one tiny mistake, I am going to assume that you are to blame, and I will personally execute you in front of her," his voice dripped with a hatred that caused goosebumps to raise on Cyra's arms.

Cyra's jaw clenched, and her anger now rolled off of her in hot waves. The Fire Lord could obviously feel the heat, and his smile grew at his effect. His eyes begged her to lash out at him.

"You think I don't know who you are, Cyra, but I know a lot more than you think. I am going to allow you to be my daughter's little play thing, for now. You see, I know when the time is right she will crush you for me. You cannot change her. This is who she is." He said stepping back, he was trying to egg her on into an attack.

"You have no idea who I am," Cyra said through gritted teeth. The Fire Lord chuckled.

"Oh, I don't?" He innocently questioned, drawing a white lotus tile from his sleeve. He inspected it for a moment, and then looked up to revel in Cyra's wide, shocked eyes.

"Where did you get that?" She demanded, not taking her eyes off of her tile.

"You know, I thought you might disagree, so I brought this piece of junk to prove my point; some of my guards found it in your belongings. My brother used to play relentlessly, you know," He said nonchalantly, and as he spoke, the tile became enveloped in flames. He then dropped it to the floor and crushed it with his heel.

Cyra's gasp and dismay seemed to satisfy the Fire Lord enough, and he began walking away.

"Just remember whose home you are in, young lotus member," was the last thing he said before disappearing around the corner.

Tears pricked her eyes as she bent down to examine the crushed tile. She'd had it for as long as she could remember, and now it was gone. She looked up around the room of portraits, who all seemed to be staring down at her with utmost disappointment and contempt.

Panic and doubt began to set in, her breathing turned shallow, and the room suddenly started to spin around her. Cyra closed her eyes, feeling like she was going to be sick, and when she opened them again she was in a totally different place.

There were pillars floating in midair, and the colors here were vibrant. Cyra felt peace wash over her as she took in the spiritual place around her, realizing where she now was.

"Who brought me here?" She asked the empty space in front of her. No one seemed to answer, and then she heard the same whirring sound from her nightmares.

A dragon appeared before her, and then began circling her. Two more dragons appeared, joining the circling. Dread filled her for as she watched them circle her like prey. Their colors changed to black as they became angry.

"Stop! Stop, please, I know you are angry! I still have time," she cried at the spirits raging around her. The other two dragons stopped their circling and came full speed right towards her, causing her to fall backwards, but they disappeared before they hit her. The first one stayed, flying before her, looking down at her as the portraits had; full of disappointment.

"You must remember your duty to us, Cyra. This is not your destiny," it said. Cyra did not see it speaking, but heard it's mind with her own.

"I still have time, I will fulfill my duty to you, but there is still time for me to try and do my part in this war," Cyra's voice took on a pleading tone.

"You have fallen in love," the dragon's voice echoed in her head.

"Yes," she admitted, "but I have not forgotten. I will be home before the comet."

"We are depending on you," it said, "do not fail us."

The ground disappeared from beneath Cyra as she came crashing back into her body.

The dragons words echoed in her mind as she dragged herself from the portrait room back to her bedroom. She was shaking with all of these revelations, exhaustion overtook her.

Was she making a mistake? Should she leave and go back home now to prepare for her life long assignment?

She was still holding Azula's letter in her hand. She had promised Azula to stay. Cyra reached her room an went straight to lay in her bed, not wanting to dwell on the issue any longer at the moment. Her dreams that night swirled with dragons and the past Fire Lords, all facing her with disdain. The only solace she took was in the letter clutched to her chest.


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