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They had to ditch their ship and go by land in fire nation tanks. Azula was tense, perfecting her plan as her troops looked for signs of the sky bison's trail. Cyra tried to tell her the tanks would not provide stealth, but Azula claimed stealth would not be an issue.

Her plan was to run them down. The sky bison could not fly forever, and the avatar and his friends could not go without sleep.

"Your highness!" A guard bowed to Azula.

"What is it?" She questioned.

"We have found the sky bison's trail, and the tank and mongoose lizards are ready for departure." The guard relayed, and Azula dismissed him, smirking devilishly.

"Time to catch the avatar, girls."

The carriage pulled by the tanks was not the roomiest, the girls had to sleep in bunks. They all learned that Azula snored like there was no tomorrow, which she denied while awake.
It was difficult to keep Azula's hair from being a mess in such a small area. Ty Lee seemed to have endless energy which exhausted the others. They were all becoming cranky with each other very fast.

"If we don't find this sky bison soon I am going to die of boredom." Mai said, to which the others groaned in agreement. Suddenly, the tank stopped. A guard opened the door.

"Your highness!"

"What is it, why have we stopped?" Azula asked angrily.

"The avatar has been spotted!" He responded.

"Then what are you doing stopping this tank! You have direct orders to follow them, go now!" She yelled. "Imbeciles," she muttered when he left.

"Finally!" Ty Lee shouted.

Azula's idea was working, every time the avatar landed the tanks were not far to follow, unfortunately for them.

Azula and the other two girls left to go to the carriage behind ours, where the mongoose lizards were kept. The guards announced the avatar was not flying away this time, and the three girls began their chase.

Cyra sighed, waiting for them stressed her. She hated not knowing what was going on, but knew she must remain hidden. If too many see her, she may be recognized from her travels and unnecessary or suspicious information may be revealed to Azula.

Soon, the girls came back and the tank started again. "We almost have them, the sky bison can barely lift off now," Azula said walking back into the first carriage, alone.

"Where are Ty Lee and Mai?" Cyra asked, these days they were never far from Azula.

"They are waiting as instructed in the other carriage," Azula responded. She went and sat next to Cyra on the floor.

It was quiet for awhile, Cyra was preparing herself for whatever was on Azula's mind.

"What purpose did you have to study the other bending forms?" Azula finally asked.

Cyra knew Azula would ask this question at some point, and was ready. "When I was a little girl, I wanted to be the avatar more than anything. Silly, I know, but nonetheless I spent my childhood reading scrolls from all over the world trying to learn how to bend the other elements. I mastered firebending by 10, when I left my family to travel the world learning other forms. I spent two years perfecting each form, for it takes a lot less time to master a form when you don't have to perfect the bending too. I learned many secrets and met many people, and when I was satisfied having traveled the world I returned home to the fire nation." Cyra finished.

Azula was thoughtful for a moment.

"Surely at some point you realized you could not be the avatar, so then why continue?" Azula asked. Nothing got past her.

The Warrior's Betrayal (Azula gxg fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now