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Azula was coming home today. Not many details were provided to Cyra, other than to prepare for the princess's return. According to one of the maids, there was to be a welcoming ceremony and then a royal dinner party afterwards to celebrate the fire nation's success.

Cyra had been pacing in Azula's room, her emotions in an internal war against each other over whether she should feel excited, nervous, guilty, or homesick. Right now it appeared all of them were winning at once.

It was just so difficult for her to believe the news she was given; many before Azula had tried to take Ba Sing Se and failed, so this seemed to be an exaggeration. Cyra didn't want to think Azula could be capable of doing such a thing so easily. But then again...

Cyra began recalling what Azula's father had told her. Azula was designed for tactical destruction. Cyra was willfully ignoring this part of Azula, letting her feelings cloud her judgement.

Cyra had never wanted to be home more in her six years of travel than she did right now. It had all become so complicated. She could disappear now and leave this all behind her, but her heart hijacked her body and kept her here. She just needed to convince Azula to go with her somehow.

Cyra began to hear the muffled sound of voices outside of Azula's door and immediately froze. She listened more closely, and heard the annoyed voice of the person who occupied her thoughts relentlessly.

"I could really care less, just figure it out... Will you idiots leave me alone—"

Azula burst through her door and came to a halt when she saw Cyra standing there waiting for her. A smile of relief appeared on the princess's face, and Cyra reveled in being the cause of it. Somehow, Cyra felt all of her worries dissipate in that moment as she stared back at the beautiful princess.

"But your highness, we need to know what kind of—" one of the servants began, but was interrupted by Azula slamming the door in his face. She let out a stressed sigh before turning to lean against the door, looking at Cyra once more. Cyra raised an eyebrow in question.

"They are trying to plan the events for this evening, and I could not care less," Azula explained.

"Ah, of course. How are you, princess?" Cyra asked softly.

"Tired. Who knew conquering an entire kingdom would be this exhausting?" She replied smirking. She pushed herself off of the door and made her way over to Cyra, wrapping her arms around Cyra's neck and leaned up to plant a light kiss on Cyra's lips.

The simplicity and familiarity of the gesture made Cyra's heart melt. She wrapped her arms around Azula's waist, pulling her closer.

"I missed you. Tell me how your mission went?" Cyra asked, curiosity finally overtaking her.

"They will announce the summary of events at the welcoming ceremony, it is not that big of a deal. Right now I just want to lay down. Join me?" Azula replied, detaching herself from Cyra and making her way over to her oversized bed and pulling back the heavy covers as she sat down.

"Oh um, yes, of course," Cyra laid down next to the princess, who then tossed the blanket over the both of them and snuggled close to Cyra, resting her head on Cyra's chest. Cyra rested her arm over the princess. It was quiet for awhile, and Cyra spent the silence wondering how conquering the earth kingdom could possibly not be a big deal.

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