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"Wow, Cyra! You catch on fast, you might be better than me by the time we get back," Ty Lee exclaimed. Cyra didn't understand how that could possibly be, since all of her limbs had now been rendered immobile.

"Ty Lee, don't you think you might be able to maybe teach me without...um..." Cyra wobbled a bit and then flopped face down onto the floor.


There were still a couple days left until the Ba Sing Se mission would leave Cyra alone, and so far every training session with Ty Lee had ended similarly. It was extremely disrespectful in the fire nation to question an instructor's methods, so Cyra had just been going with it, but now they were running on crunched time.

"Oh no! I'm sorry! I'm still trying to get the hang of the whole teacher thing." Ty Lee exclaimed, her head tilting to the side. It looked as though she were trying to look at a sideways world where Cyra was no longer laying face down on the training room floor.

"Erm... a little help, maybe?" Cyra's muffled voice rang out.

"Oh! Yes! Of course!" Ty Lee said rushing down to help Cyra up.

"Maybe I should just give you some of my scrolls with the forms in them..." Ty Lee murmured. Cyra's face got red with an anger she tried to conceal. It wasn't hard since most of her face was still pressed onto the floor.

"You've had scrolls... describing the forms... this whole time??" Cyra's tried to keep the disbelief out of her voice, but it was hard.

It was a struggle for Ty Lee to lift Cyra's limp muscular body from off the ground, and she almost had her in a semi standing position now.

"Oh, yea! I got them from my sifu..." Ty Lee guiltily chuckled.

Then Ty Lee slipped and they both began to fall, with Cyra landing right on top of her with an oomf.

"Um... Cyra? I can't... I can't really breathe..." Ty Lee tried to gasp out from underneath Cyra.

"Well I can't really move, Ty Lee!" Cyra shrieked at the impossible position.

They were both struggling for a moment but froze at the sound of slow clapping heard from around the entrance of the training room.

"Bravo girls! Cyra, you should fall on your face more often, it is just hilarious," Azula laughed as she walked slowly over to the the two girls.

"Azula! Thank goodness, please help!" Ty Lee begged, still half under Cyra.

Azula grabbed the back of Cyra's collar with one hand and easily lifted Cyra into a wobbly standing position. She draped Cyra's arm over her shoulders in order to provide more support.

"So this is where you two have been off to lately. Ty Lee you are dismissed I need to speak with Cyra alone." Azula commanded.

Ty Lee did a roll into a standing position and then bowed.

"I'll leave the scrolls by your door, Cyra!" Ty Lee called before she was gone.

Azula had to practically drag Cyra over to a chair, and set the limp girl down in it. Cyra smiled at Azula, grateful.

"How long does this take to wear off, anyways?" Azula said, flicking Cyra on the forehead.

Cyra groaned. "It usually takes 20 minutes to gain a little more control of my muscles."

"I think Ty Lee was enjoying having a practice dummy. Why do you want to learn chi blocking?" Azula inquired. She was standing in front of Cyra's chair, hands on her hips.

"Um... I didn't want to be bored while you were away?" Cyra knew the weak response would not work so well on the princess as it had on Ty Lee.

"Hmm I don't think I believe you." Azula squinted suspiciously. Cyra started to panic, and Azula's next move caught her even more off guard.

She straddled Cyra on the chair, her arms lazily wrapping around Cyra's shoulders and her fingers began to play with the hair Cyra had tyed up into a ponytail. A peaceful smile worked its way onto an adoring Cyra's face, looking up at Azula.

"Why not?" Cyra asked, head tilting to the side as she examined Azula's face up close. She loved how Azula's eyes were pools of honey and she felt caught in them.

"You're a terrible liar, Cyra," Azula whispered. Cyra did not argue, just nodded in agreement. Any words would have been caught in her throat anyways, as Azula had begun to kiss lightly along Cyra's jawline. Cyra shivered as Azula reached her ear, closing her eyes.

"Do you want to tell me the truth now?" She questioned softly, and Cyra slowly shook her head and just as soon as she did Azula's weight and warmth was lifted away from her. Cyra opened her eyes to see a scowling Azula pacing in front of her.

"Azula I-"

"Shut up."


"Guards!" Azula shouted, and a few guards came running into the room, awaiting their next command.

"Lock her in her room, she is not to leave it until I return from my mission," and with that Azula marched angrily out of the room.

"Azula!!" Cyra shouted after her, appalled. She still couldn't move, couldn't fight off the guards and chase after Azula, demanding to know the meaning of all this. Why did it matter if she wanted to learn chi blocking?

The guards carried Cyra back to her room, and she made a point to glare at each of them as though she wanted to fire bend their heads off. They placed her on her bed and left her there.

Cyra mumbled angrily as she tried to get her muscles to work again. It was a slow, frustrating process, and after a few moments she was able to lift herself up and make it to her desk. She had been in this new room since they had all gotten back, and she scowled because she was now on the second floor of the palace which eliminated any hopes of escaping through the window.

She noticed some scrolls by the door, and stumbled her way over to look at them. They were the scrolls Ty Lee had promised her, and Cyra sighed with relief. Maybe this wouldn't be so terrible after all. She had no clue how long Azula's mission would take, but now she had a lot to learn and now a quiet unbothered place to practice.

She sat on the floor next to the door, opened the first scroll and began reading.


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