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Shinryu flew in loops overhead, swiftly avoiding attacks from her 'enemy'. Druk, a much larger and stronger dragon, enjoyed chasing and teasing the smaller dragon, often taking it too far.

Cyra rolled her eyes as she practiced her forms beneath them. She had to break them up almost six times a day, it was exhausting. She reminded herself to never have kids, as she sent a warning blast of fire up in the air.

If you don't stop, I'm coming up there.

Is what she hoped to convey. It had been a few years since the comet, and the young dragons had grown significantly in that time. Cyra couldn't physically do much to stop them from bickering, and they knew that, but for some reason they still obliged and ceased the altercation.

They landed and Shinryu came over to watch Cyra as Druk puffed about like a bored teenager. Cyra felt for him, she knew Druk was becoming restless having to stay up in this mountain when there was a whole world to explore.

Ran and Shaw, as well as the Sun Warrior's chief, had decided it was still too dangerous to reintroduce dragons into the world. Ran and Shaw were putting in the work to decide when the right time would be, which meant they were often gone for long periods of time.

Shinryu unsurprisingly felt the complete opposite from Druk, and was perfectly content to stay wherever Cyra was, and that irritated Druk.

"Alright, fine," Cyra sighed, "let's play a game."

Druk perked up immediately.

"You know the drill, wait in the caves while I hide, and then you come find me," Cyra said. Hide and seek was a classic, and a game Druk never got bored of. It was also great practice for them to hone their hunting skills.

The young dragons disappeared into the caves and Cyra began thinking of a good hiding spot. She usually hid somewhere on the mountain, but they had already discovered every hiding place she could think of.

She readied herself, before directing flames to her feet and fists and flew up into the air. She kept going higher until the cloud bank could effectively hide her. This would be a good opportunity for her to practice elongating the amount of time she could stay hovering in the air. Spending time around dragons to protect them meant she needed to be wherever they were, which included the sky.

She could see the silhouettes of the two dragons exiting the caves to look for her from the clouds. Cyra did her best to maintain her elevation, but this technique was difficult for even the most capable benders.

She shifted her gaze from the two dragons zooming around the mountain to the trail leading to their clearing. Movement caught her eye, and she tried to lower herself to get a closer look.

Cyra made out the silhouette of two people coming up the mountain. Furrowing her brow, she immediately dropped from the sky towards the mountain top. The two dragons stopped searching upon seeing her, obviously confused and sensing her concern.

"Caves," she said audible enough for them to hear. They didn't hesitate to move out of sight. Ran and Shaw wasted no time telling the two younger dragons what happened to their ancestors, so they knew the stakes well. Cyra landed near the center of the clearing, and readied herself.

Cyra went to the village for supplies and to check in with the chief regularly, so she would know if anyone planned to pay them a visit.

It took awhile before she could see the two figures coming into view, one was unmistakably the chief, and the other wore deeply red robes that made Cyra's heart freeze up. The robes looked a bit different than before, but she could still tell they were royal.

They approached Cyra and she bowed deeply.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" She asked formally, unsure of how to react to the impromptu visit.

"Please, Cyra, relax. Firelord Zuko has been here once before. He is well aware of the existence of the Masters. He has come to speak with you," the chief said.

Cyra rose from her bow to look to Zuko. Firelord Zuko. He looked different now, older, and the shroud of inner turmoil around him less visible. She looked back to the chief.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I called them back out? The young masters loathe staying in the caves for too long," she said. Zuko immediately looked nervous, but the chief nodded in confirmation.

"Druk, Shinryu," she called. The two dragons flew out of the caves and down towards them.

Shinryu landed behind Cyra and curled her tail around Cyra in a manner that was both protective and timid, and stared at Zuko with an equally timid look.

Druk showed no fear and flew directly at Zuko after he saw Shinryu land safely behind Cyra, causing Zuko to fall backwards in surprise.

"Druk!" Cyra shouted at the red dragon.

"No, no it's okay," Zuko said, sitting up. Druk leaned in closely to analyze the fire lord, and let out a huff of approval before flying to join Shinryu behind Cyra. The chief let out a hearty chuckle and help Zuko back to his feet.

"Reminds me of the first time you met the masters," the chief said.

"They don't meet a lot of new people," Cyra said. She looked back to the young dragons to check on them, and saw that they looked much more relaxed, Druk eyeing Zuko with increased curiosity.

"I hope to change that soon," Zuko said, looking back at Druk with admiration. His gaze shifted back to Cyra.

"But I came here for your help, actually," he continued. Cyra's brow furrowed further in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"Um... well," Zuko hesitated, scratching his head, "I know you were close with her, and so I just thought you could help."

"What are you talking about?" Cyra asked with increasing concern.

"It's Azula," Zuko said, clearly unsure of himself.

"What happened?"

"She... she's missing. We need your help to bring her home."


Okok so basically i had an idea for a second story where it follows the comics and this starts after Azula escaped from Zuko after they find their mother but i know they're going to release more stuff so i think I'll wait to be reinspired.

Thank you for reading this far, I hope you enjoyed this story!!!! I loved adding more depth to Azula's character. Hope to continue someday.

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