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Open the image for a surprise :)

P.s. idk how to photoshop

Cyra stood back to admire the cell wall she had been vandalizing for the last two days. After her first day of sitting around sulking after Azula had yelled at her, she decided to try to be as productive as she could when stuck in prison. She had no books or anything around to learn from, so she tried her hand in art.

Cyra was homesick, so decided that scorching her home on the boring gray wall may help relieve the ache she felt in her chest. She walked forward, relighting a flame from her finger to add a bit of detail to the rock that surrounded the scene.

She had recreated the place she would spend a majority of her time as a kid chasing her sneaky little fire ferret, Zaho. The extinct volcano was a commonplace in her dreams, at this point she had almost every stone and carving memorized. The clearing was perfectly rounded and had a large design that had been painted by her ancestors many centuries before, that had taken her all day to replicate. She had finished scorching the long set of stairs and the huge caves that faced each other the day before. She stood back one more time to make sure she had everything correct. Something was missing but she couldn't figure out what it could be.

"Aha!" Cyra exclaimed to herself, rushing forward once more lighting a flame with her index finger to add the last detail. How could she have forgotten to add Zaho, her favorite furry companion? She sighed contently having finally finished her scorched masterpiece and sat down on the floor, staring at it longingly.

It wasn't long until boredom consumed her once more. Cyra repositioned herself into a meditating form and closed her eyes, trying to meditate. She had tried to meditate before, but there were too many noises coming from other prisoners and the guards that she couldn't bring herself to focus. Now that the moon was rising though, it seemed much quieter.

She took a deep breath, trying to clear her head. Even with the quietness of the prison, she had great difficulty focusing on the usually simple task of not focusing. She couldn't bring her mind away from the way Azula looked the other day, and Cyra knew she wasn't the only one hurting right now. Cyra knew Azula would be miles away on Ember Island at the moment, and she could just picture an angry sad girl kicking over some kids sand castle, and chuckled a bit to herself at the silly image.

Realizing at this rate she would be unable to meditate properly, she decided to just put an end to her third day in prison. She couldn't help but wonder if Azula would ever come to see her again, or if she would truly let her rot in the cell.

Unless I started giving her answers, Cyra thought, laying her head down on the hard floor. The guards still had yet to bring her anything to sleep on, and Cyra was freezing.

But even if she did have answers for Azula, there was no telling when she'd see her next. It could be months before Azula came to visit her again. Cyra shivered, more from the thought of being stuck here for much longer than from the cold, and shut her eyes to try to drift away from the four walls that trapped her.


Cyra awoke the next morning to the smell of her favorite tea. She must have still been dreaming, the cold hard floor reminded her of where she was; a place where they would not be serving her jasmine tea with breakfast.

She turned over and opened her eyes. They landed upon the unmistakable form of Azula. Her back was to Cyra as she analyzed the scorched scenery on Cyra's wall.

Cyra quickly sat up, wondering how long she had been in the cell with her. Her eyes glanced over at the wooden tray with steaming tea sitting nearby longingly. The warm liquid would be the perfect remedy to awaken her cold stiff limbs.

The Warrior's Betrayal (Azula gxg fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now