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Cyra followed behind the princess as they made their way down to the small and private palace dock. Extra guards were surrounding them as they approached an exquisitely crafted sailboat. Another week had passed since Cyra had broken into the kitchen, and Cyra had the inkling that Azula was finally making good on her agreement to take Cyra out on a date. A crew nearby was loading what looked to be food onto the boat. Azula motioned for the guards and Cyra to stop following as she made her way to speak with what looked to be a captain and a chef.

Cyra thought that overall it was a smart move from Azula to bring Cyra onto a boat in the middle of the ocean for their date, where her chances of escape were rather low. Azula made her way back to them, dismissing the guards that surrounded Cyra. Cyra took the opportunity to tease Azula.

"Have you finally gotten so sick of me that you're ready to ship me off?"

Azula's eyes rolled, unamused with the joke, and ignored her comment.

"Come, we are spending the evening on my father's boat. It will basically be just us, so no poorly planned escape attempts from you, understand?" Azula spoke in her usual bossy tone. Cyra smirked deviously and replied, "no promises."

"Come along," Azula huffed. She was pretending to be annoyed, but both of them knew Azula loved Cyra's foolish defiance. It's what drew Azula to Cyra in the first place.

The cook and captain went up the docking ramp to the boat, and Cyra and Azula followed behind them. Azula led Cyra over to the front of the boat, where luxury fit for the princess awaited them. Azula sat on the loveseat that faced the sea and motioned for Cyra to sit next to her. They sat in silence while the boat set sail far from the docks, both admiring the golden glow of the afternoon. It wasn't long until the cook was bringing out food. Cyra's stomach growled as she looked at the array food in front of her. She was excited to have such a variety of options, without even having to hold a hostage.

Cyra and the princess began to eat, watching the water as the sun slowly settled into the horizon. The sky boasted pastel pinks and oranges, and the shimmering sea reflected the colors as though it wanted the fiery sun to see for itself just how beautiful it made the world with it's warmth and light.

"It's so beautiful. I wish I could have a painting of it to remember this," Cyra spoke in between mouthfuls. Azula chuckled, admiring the side of Cyra's face while Cyra admired the sunset.

"I will have someone paint it for you," she said decisively. Cyra looked over at Azula and smiled lovingly.

When they had finished, they returned to the couch to continue enjoying this unusual serenity together. Azula spread her arms across the back of the couch, and Cyra cuddled into Azula's side. This was the longest the two had gone without breaking into an argument in a while, and they both stayed silent as though to prevent the start of one. The arm Azula had slung around Cyra's shoulders shifted downwards as she began to lazily drag her hand up and down Cyra's arm, occasionally rubbing in soothing circles.

"Who are you, Cyra?" Azula asked, frowning and sounding faraway. Cyra looked up at her, thinking her answer through.

"A warrior," Cyra replied vaguely. Azula was quiet for a moment, and Cyra wondered if that answer could be enough.

"Who do you fight for?"

"It isn't about who I fight for, it is about who I protect."

"Sounds self-righteous," Azula snorted. Cyra lightly pushed Azula and hushed her, trying to just enjoy their surroundings.

Cyra felt an immeasurable amount of contentment. In this moment she could imagine a life with Azula-- a life with no war, no heartless father, no White Lotus obligations-- just blissful existence with this extremely short tempered princess. Cyra decided to break the silence to ask a burning question that could heavily impact Cyra's imaginary life with Azula.

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