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Cyra was currently back in the palace, being shoved along corridor after corridor. She had no clue where they were heading; as soon as they entered the palace gates the guards blindfolded her.

Azula wasn't answering questions, it was like Cyra didn't even exist behind her. They just kept walking on in silence, the only sounds were their staggered footsteps and breathing. Cyra felt weird not being able to see where she was going, and she was trying her best to remember the numerous turns they took before they came to a halt.

Cyra heard a few clicks and and a grinding noise before she was shoved into a crammed space with the guards. They were all shoulder to shoulder, and Cyra felt suddenly panicked in the enclosed space, and the feeling in her chest only grew worse when she felt a mild falling sensation. 

"Where are we going?" Cyra asked for the hundredth time, this time putting emphasis on the panic she now felt. She really hated small spaces.

"Down," was the only response she got. Cyra tried to take deep breaths to calm herself, but as time passed the air grew hotter and suffocated her further. It felt like they had been in there for eternity, descending who knows how far into the earth.

The lift they were on came to a screeching halt, and then the guards flooded out with her. Cyra took relieved gasps of the cooler air of wherever they were. The ventilation here was far better than in the lift.

Cyra only got to enjoy it a few seconds before she was grabbed and pulled along once more. She dragged her feet in annoyance, growing rather impatient at this point because she had no clue what was going on.

She really hoped whatever this late night event was didn't mess up her escape plan again, there was no telling when an opportunity would arise for another. After a lot of walking and many more turns (of which Cyra gave up trying to remember) they stopped and a door creaked opened in front of them. Cyra was shoved forward into the room.

"Leave us now, go to your stations," Azula commanded. Cyra was surprised to hear the princess' voice again, she had begun to wonder if Azula had parted from them after they entered the palace.

"Yes, princess."

The sound of the guard's footsteps retreated from the room and the door shut after them. Cyra could sense that she was now alone with Azula now.

"Can you take this stupid blindfold off now Azula?" Cyra huffed out, her voice full of irritation. She heard Azula's sadistic chuckle in front of her. Of course she was enjoying Cyra's frustration.

"It was necessary, I don't want you knowing the route to escape," Azula mused, nearing Cyra.

"Azula, if I wanted to escape at any point during the trip here, wherever here is, I could have, blindfolded and all. Your guards are terrible," Cyra replied, shaking her head at the absurdity of the comment.

"Is that so? Hands cuffed behind you and blindfolded, surrounded by a dozen guards?"

"Undoubtedly. You still underestimate me after all the time we have spent together?" Cyra was incredulous.

"Perhaps. But what would you have done about me?" Azula spoke in a challenging tone, which brought a smirk to Cyra's face.

"I can still show you, if you want" Cyra goaded as she brought her hands out from behind her back, having freed them from the cuffs during their conversation.

"Point taken, I need better guards. Well if you could have escaped so easily, why didn't you?"

Cyra paused, not expecting Azula to ask such a thing. She could feel Azula standing closely in front of her, and felt her burning gaze as she waited for Cyra's response. She could have escaped, why didn't she? She couldn't possibly respond with the explanation of already having a more foolproof escape plan, so she changed the subject.

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