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     "So the rumors aren't rumors at all," Vinny gasps next to me as we lay on our stomachs on the crappy turf at some lower seed college, trying to take small breaths to chill the aching in our cores. I glance around quickly, realizing it's just me...the one without the rock hard abs that's struggling to keep doing these pushups. I turn back to my friend, narrowing my eyes at his teasing, judgmental gaze.

     "I'm scared to ask what rumor you're talking about," I quickly get out just as Coach blows his whistle, triggering my muscle memory to work much faster than my mind. I was about three pushups in before my brain decided it was going to send signals to wave a white flag. My body hurts. It's more than just my arms burning from lifting my body weight off of the ground in rapid succession.

     My back is sore from the sex from earlier this morning, and again in a weird position in the shower we took at the hotel before leaving to make it to practice on time. My hips hurt not only because he bruised my skin with his crushing grip on them, but during that fairly quick, messy shower sex, I wiggled and slipped, and that caused him to slip as well and we both crashed to the floor, but of course, I was the one with the hurt hip.

     I've come to the conclusion that water and sex with Carson Speros equals pain.

     My abs are most certainly straining from this muscle killing workout our coach is making us do before our game tomorrow. So that's another painful place, and most of all...

     I'm sore.

     He blows his whistle again, letting us take a break. Vinny looks at me, a sneaky smirk on his face as he exposes me in a quiet whisper, "Someone's been the rain to someone's storm if you know what I mean," he winks. "Tell me, was there a flood?" The horrible, horrible metaphor made me blush because I was embarrassed for him, and any possible witnesses on the other side of us trying to catch their breath, not hear Vinny insinuate me having sex with their team captain.

     "You're not funny," I roll my eyes. "Where did you even get that information from? That's private." And it's apparently a rumor? Since when do guys participate in rumor spreading? I follow Vincent's stare as he unconsciously looks at the rumor spreader. The cute friend of the other topic of our conversation catches my stare and freezes, knowing he's been caught. "Hunter," I growl under my breath.

     He scratches behind his ear, and turns to engross himself into a conversation with another one of our teammates. "Carson told him you're finally dating, and then he spun it into a different, more believable story," Vinny explains, his eyes moving downward, looking at my neck. I flush.


     "Vincent! Carter! Shut the fuck up and do your pushups!" Coach screams at us, and blows his whistle more aggressively than necessary, locking his eyes on me as he continues to blow it, the piercing noise making everyone wince. He gives us a break, stopping the whistle and rolling his eyes as he mumbles mean words about us under his breath. I give him an innocent glance as I push up off of the ground, and he sassily blows his whistle shortly at me.

     Our last drill of the day was with partners, and it was just for pop fly catching, and that's when Vinny lost it. "Oh my god!" He covers his mouth with a gloved hand, an exaggerated gasp being cut off. I turn around slowly, the soreness being my legs very prominent. He tsks at me, "Munchkin, when did this...? I get sick for a few days and come back to the world renewing."

     I giggle.

     "You're walking like my auntie, babe," he gives me a knowing look. "And you haven't stopped smiling since we finished all the hard workouts."

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