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"You're leaving again?" He pouts as I lean against the door that closes off the room Carson and I share. The hallways were clear around this time, due to it being four in the morning. We were to be on the bus by five so we could make it to Auburn by at the very least, 1:30 in the afternoon.

I took it upon myself to be up at three thirty so I could have a nice shower to myself before I'd have to be back in the regular showers with all of the rest of the guys. I don't know why they don't just give us a hotel room for the night.

Looking into Bailey's dark eyes, I sigh. "Yeah. I didn't know the day you got back was going to be the day I leave." His disappointment didn't remain on his face for long as he ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair.

"Well," he pushes off of the wall behind him and walks toward me, a dirty gleam in his eyes as they drift down my body. When we were eye to eye—he isn't very much taller than me like Carson is—he grinned, his bottom lip grabbing my attention. His top lip was thinner than his bottom, and it made me compare him to Carson, who has full lips that I loved feeling on mine. "I hope you kick ass during your game."

I sure as heck hoped I kick ass too. If I don't, there's a good chance I won't play for a while. "Thanks." I smile back at him, feeling heat creep up my cheeks at the hungry look in his eyes.

"With that being said," he places a hand on my hip before pulling me flush against his body. I gasped as his other hand gripped my butt. Flashes of Carson's fingers digging into my skin and the marks he left after plagued my brain, and I blinked to get him out of my mind. "Come back to me. Soon."

     "That might get arranged," I shrugged, my eyes getting a little wider as he leans in to kiss me. I turn my head, giving him my cheek before shooting him a weird look. "Bro we don't kiss like that."

     He pulled back, shocked, before frowning. "I was gonna try something new but damn, I know not to try again." He chuckles before letting go of me, stepping back to give me some space. I was opening my mouth to apologize for it coming out so mean, but I lost my balance as the door that was holding me up had disappeared. Screeching, I reached back blindly to try and catch my fall, but only managed to break a nail by trying to hold onto the door frame.

     Apparently, I could've saved the nail damage because I was caught anyway. Confident hands gripped my sides and pulled me back to them. I knew immediately it was Carson based on how he was digging and probably didn't even realize. I don't think he recognizes his own strength sometimes. I squirmed because without the heat of the moment being on me I was forced to remember that I am ticklish everywhere.

     So I bite my lip extremely hard to keep from laughing out loud like a lunatic while he just pulled me closer to stabilize me. I looked up to see him already looking down at me. He was tired. His eyes had those dark circles around them when he was truly exhausted and I understood why. He was up all night talking to Maya about Ni's case and even asking me questions though I was half asleep. When he finished all that he could, getting a little closer to a revelation, he was cracking open his books, catching up on all of his work.

Poor baby.

     His pretty, brown eyelashes made his pretty, grey eyes pop as they looked at me, assessing me. With that, I noticed his hair was downright messy. He had just got out of bed. A throat cleared and we both looked up, startled. I had forgotten Bailey was there for a second. I froze as Carson and him stared at each other. Shoot, if you think that moment where a guy in a movie is stuck in an elevator with his ex and his current girlfriend was awkward, imagine me standing there with a dude that I'm currently fucking staring at the guy that I've also been fucking.

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