Bottom and Top.

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     "Get out of my way," I push past him and his stupid, smug, cute, annoying face. He trails close to me, hot on my heels as I pull up my pants.

     "Come back here," he reaches for my waist, laughter bubbling up from him at my frantic shriek and running away with my uniform bottoms halfway up my butt. I made it to the bathroom, closing and locking the door before he could snatch me up. "Hey!" He bangs on the door. I catch my breath, breathing louder than necessary just to be funny.

     "No more sex, you fiend!" I look at myself in the mirror, my eyes wide and pupils dilated. I button my pants with shaky hands, and curse him under my breath. "I'm not even going to be able to hold my bat!"

     I've healed, if you hadn't realized by now. Though, my body doesn't feel like it has recovered at all. I feel absolutely filthy, but extremely sated because there were a few things going wrong with me that the mirror so shamefully pointed out. My hair was wild, I mean when is it not? But he just...he was so mean to me last night and kept pulling and yanking and now it's so poofy, it can barely stay in a ponytail.

     I won't spam you with so many details, but remember when he tried to make me bleed out the other day? Well, we had another one of those shower moments after he so graciously apologized to me on his knees (I definitely accepted his apology in an unstable, breathy vocal rhythm). Okay, I should stop beating around the bush.

     My ass is sore. Like no, my ass.

     That's all I'm saying that's it...

     "You initiated it!"

     "I did!" That was not a good comeback, Raine, and you know it. To be fair, I did tease him. We came back from class and he was doing homework, but I was horny from watching him be so serious. Oh, and he wears glasses! Jesus, you think you know a man.

     He sat in bed, and did his homework with his sexy as hell glasses on, and I might have had some wandering fingers that magically found my clit beneath my panties, but it wasn't me that made him stop doing his homework. He's just such an animal.

     I finally made it out of the bathroom with a smile on my face because he was waiting there for me, leaning against the wall with both our bags over his shoulders. "You look so...bright," he compliments, wrapping an arm around my shoulder like he's taken it upon himself to do every time we walk to the bus together before a game.

     "Hmm, maybe because you gave me a facial that I didn't ask for last night." I cover my mouth so quickly as we turned a corner, nearly smacking into India. We stop at a standstill, Carson's shocked grin falling off of his face, and my eyes going back to normal size, then narrowing in a suspicious manner.

     She flips her freshly colored hair, I swear it's always changing, over her shoulder, drawing my attention to her purple-shaded scalp. Her lips poke out in a snooty way as she looks down on me. "I would say I'm upset about," she waves her hand between us, "whatever the hell this is, but you actually look twinkly together." Color me impressed.

     "You were getting boring anyway," she squares her shoulders, and gives Carson a once over. "I've had better." She stomps away. Carson and I look at each other before he shrugs, and we continue walking.

     "She's mad I used to moan your name when I was with her." I burst out laughing, burying my face in his side.

     Ever since our talk we've been on cloud nine. At least I have, anyway. He's been a lot more relaxed, not pressuring me to be more than I can at this point in time, but he's also opening up a lot more, not being so shy and fumbling over his words when being soft. He's not afraid to tell me how he's feeling even if I don't say anything in return, and I love that. I admire his boldness.

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