I Hated You.

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"Why are you like this?" Why is she like this? Why is she splayed across the bed like a playboy model on the hood of a car? She whips her head, silky ringlets sliding over her bare shoulders, her catty eyes twinkling at me. She draws her leg up, those heartwarming giggles from her throat piercing my body, that cleft revealed between her toned thighs calls my attention.

She presses her hands into the mattress, the blankets crinkling underneath the increasing pressure of her lifting her upper body off of the layers on bedding. I roam, my eyes trailing from the back of her thighs, to her pretty face, back down to her juicy ass, and back up to her graceful spine. "May I have a massage?" She purrs. It wasn't sexy, but clearly, she wasn't trying to be because her head drops down onto the pillows, her beautiful shoulders shaking with laughter.

"Are you drunk?" She gasps loudly, her hand flying up to press against her bare chest. She was as naked as she was the day she was born, and I am only getting drunken energy from her crazy ass.

"I-I, wha-" she stumbles over her words, making me arch a brow. "I had one drink!" Her index finger is thrust up into the air, as if she should be proud that she only had one drink. This girl...she's, so genuinely her I love it so much. She pats the vacant bed space beside her, coaxing me to get up by her so I could rub her down. "Please?"

Well since she's begging...

"How long have you been naked like this?" It's three o'clock in the morning. I had a late night shift at the bar after we finished our team meeting earlier. The last I heard, she was finishing up her schoolwork. She never said she was going to wait up for me and display herself on the bed.

"Not long," she rolls over, my steps faltering when I zone in on her perked nipples. "I couldn't sleep. Not with you up all day and then having to work late."

"You were worried about me, huh?" I unbutton my plaid shirt, feeling a bit fuzzy on the inside from her confession. "For future reference," I wasn't even sure why the hell I was talking about the future so loosely, as if I could imagine her in bed at our own house, cuddled up in her blankets, teeth digging into her bottom lip as she waited for me to come home. "I can hold my own. Don't worry about me."

I pull the shirt off of my hot skin, tossing it to the floor. An aggravated whine catches my ear. I grin, knowing she hates that I just throw clothes around anywhere. "Why can't you just put stuff away like a normal person?"

"You're having a full on conversation with me while you're naked and horny, you have no room to talk about 'normal'," I unbutton my jeans before deciding that I'll leave them on until I get ready to shower.

"I'm not horny," she snaps, so defensive. I would say it's a trait that I love about her, but it's something that ticks me off. I hate that short, snippy tone she gets with me when she's either jumping to conclusions or slinking into whatever commitment issues she's prone to default to.

Not horny, I think to myself, almost tsking out loud. Not horny. As if her hot gaze hasn't only magnified after seeing me take my shirt off. I pull off my shoes, using one shoe to step on the heel of the other to free my foot. I do the same with the other before minimizing the distance between us, pressing a knee into the mattress.

The bed dips beneath my weight, and I trail my fingers up her foot. She had some small, adorable feet. I dance my fingers across the arch of her foot, watching as her face crinkles before she starts kicking away from me. Ticklish, little girl. I kiss a soft spot of her leg, right where the curve of her cheek meets her thigh. She releases a shaky breath. My lips twitched up into a little smirk because her pussy started to glisten.

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