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     I look up at the ceiling, a million thoughts running through my head.

    I thought we were putting Dick away.

     I didn't want to him to resurface, but the way she was dismissing me was pissing me the fuck off. And what's even worse as that I shouldn't care because if she's dismissing me, she has every single right to. I mean, I've been nothing but nasty to her for these past three years, so naturally, she could be mulling over some things after decided mid-sex that she was going to be my girlfriend.

     Withdrawal is natural.

     My heart breaking every time I see her watery, gorgeous hazel eyes in my mind is natural. Especially after knowing I was the cause of those tears filling them. It's natural to feel guilty as shit for probably hurting her feelings by walking out on her. I needed air.

     I couldn't breathe with her shoving her fake ass persona down my throat. The last thing I expected coming into that room was to be met with her so standoffish. Honestly, I just wanted to lay in bed with her and fall asleep. Maybe do a little rubbing of my hips against her butt, but nothing sexy. I wanted to feel her warmth, especially after not seeing much of her today.

     The only time I saw her was when she was talking to that little fuck toy of hers. Don't even ask me because no, I wasn't jealous of her talking to him. Was I a little irked by his body language? The little things she probably didn't notice like the way he was checking her out from behind before he had the nerve to touch her wrist. His subtle lean in when he kissed her on her hand, clearly wanting more, but he seemed hesitant, as if she's not into that kind of affection.

     At least not from him, I believe.

     He was just being a tool, that anyone could see from miles away, not even having to hear the conversation. His short, one-fifty pound looking body disgusted me. How she even got to dealing with him, I didn't care to know, but I was intrigued about why she kept him around. He couldn't have had sex with her that good because I would've seen him sooner than when I did when he came to our dorm.

     I roll my eyes. Ugly bastard.

     I'm not jealous.

     I'm seriously not jealous right now. If anything, I'm damn near ready to cry because I'm sure Carter isn't going to want anything to do with me for a few. Though, at face value, I feel that this whole thing isn't my fault, but I should've taken the time to stop and ask what the fuck was wrong with her.

     Ah, but I act impulsively.

     "Are you done stain-gazing?" Ryker cuts though my mind, stealing my attention. I look at his messy self, diverting my stare from the randomly stained ceiling of his semi-clean apartment. Ryker can be a neat freak, but he can also be a normal person that throws his clothes in a pile on the floor because he doesn't feel like moving them to the washer that's literally 20 feet away from his bedroom.


     "You've been laying on the floor for the last hour," he purses his lips for a second, though continues his game, calmly speaking commands to his teammates through his headset. I have been laying on his floor after he stopped me from practicing swings and hitting baseballs across the field out of anger. The blisters on my hands from not wearing gloves was only a quarter of the pain I intended to feel. The pain in my back was something I definitely didn't want to feel.

     But that's what happens when you use baseball to cope with shit. Or any sport for that matter. "You know, Carter had to go to the doctor a couple days ago," I tell Ryker, my eyes still on the ceiling as memories of us in that hotel room plague my mind. Hot. She was so fucking hot, I couldn't stand it, but at the same time, I loved it.

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