Don't be a....

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     The semi-high pitched arguing from the living room felt like a cloud releasing rain in the back of my head. It wasn't the focal point of my mind, but damnit it was annoying how it sat back there, a constant bickering, it seemed.

     "Why can't we just use my car?"

     "Because your car doesn't have AC Kennedy."

     "There are windows."

     "We're driving to Tampa, we will die in your car."

     "Well how would you know if we don't try?"

     "Ryker, tell your girlfriend we're not using her car."

     "Babe, tell Korinne she's being boujee as hell and needs to chill out."

     "Not wanting to literally hot box in your easy-bake oven of a car is not me being boujee."

     "Easy-bake oven?"

     "Ryker say something!" They both yell at the same time, and I could imagine the both of them arguing with him in the middle, looking back and forth between the two like a baby bunny centered around wolves. There's a long moment of silence before I hear a gross moan, a gasp, and heavy footsteps getting closer to where my miserable self was. "Your sister and best friend are nasty together." Korinne pulls out a barstool across from me, from what I can sense, and sighs loudly.

     "Some would argue they're adorable."

     "Not every argument should be resolved with a kiss." I lift my head up from the table, and with blurry eyes, I look at Korinne's tired, grey ones.

"You'd be surprised how many of their arguments end with Ryker sad on the couch." I rest my head back on the cool table, trying my best to get rid of the headache, but of course, with twin sisters, you'll rarely not have one. Kennedy storms into the kitchen, and plants her hands on her hips, her cheeks flushed and lips slightly swollen, though her eyes were brighter than usual. I roll my eyes when she looks at me, a proud smirk on her face.

"I just want to thank you for becoming best friends with Ryker because I'd have never met him, and he quite seriously knows how to kiss me to docility." I gag, feeling the pressure go straight to my head, not helping the slight pounding coming on from my temples. She looks at her sister. "Hag."




"Language!" My mom calls from the stairs, heading down into the kitchen whilst shaking her head, though Caleb hops down first and rolls his eyes.

"I fucking hate twins."


"Sorry, mom." I rub my temple as I glance at Caleb, who sticks his middles finger up at all of us once he gets away from the stairs and out of our mother's sight. Her soft steps paddle into the kitchen shortly after Caleb, and she immediately frowns at me, her mom magnet being drawn to me.

She puts her hand on my back, and gives me a loving rub before kissing me on the cheek. "What's going on? Do you want breakfast?" She then rushes over to the other side, not even wanting my answer because she was going to cook anyway. "Caleb!"

"What, Ma?" He yells back from down the hall. I bite lip and swallow down the curses trying to crawl up my throat. My sisters fall back into their petty argument while my mom and brother yell back and forth on the topic of what he wants for breakfast. There's never a lot of yelling that goes on in my house because my mother was generally quiet unless she was around my dad, or her friends.

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