Ryker in the Flesh.

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"C'mere, Carter. Maybe you'll attract some men my way looking as fine as you do right now." Vinny wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side as soon as we stepped out of Sebastian's car.

He's our short stop, and our designated driver every time we go out somewhere where there will be plenty of booze. We all love him, and his ginormous truck.

Carson and his best friend, Hunter, stepped out a few seconds after Vinny, Isaiah, and I did. There were nine of us in total, and there were two rows of three seaters in his Chevy Suburban.

Which made it an eight seater truck in total. So I, being the only girl, had to sit on someone's lap. And I always pick Vincent because I know without a shadow of a doubt that he wouldn't have his erection digging into my ass by the end of the ride.

     "Thanks, Vin." I kiss his cheek, before patting it and looking at the outside of the house that's lit up on the inside, with people sitting on the couch playing cards. "This looks depressing."

I know what you're thinking. This is not a casino.

Sebastian pitched the idea that we could just go to a party since we're away from our campus and we always go to the casino. I've never been to a casino, but whatever, a party sounds better than going in debt when I barely have money already.

"That's not the party." Isaiah turns to look at the house as well.

"They don't want the police to rat people out for doing shit illegally, so the real party is never in plain sight." Hunter whispers in my ear from behind me, causing me to jump ten feet in the air.

     I place my hand over my heart, turning around and looking at the blue eyes of Hunter. "Don't do that ever again."

"What's wrong, Sweet Pea? Can't take a little scare?" He leans down, grinning goofily at me. Hunter is really attractive. Shit, I think all the guys on the team are attractive—except Carson. His personality cancels his looks.

     "You know I can take a little fright." I grin back, poking my finger against his chest. "Can you take a possible elbow to the liver, though, if you were to scare me again?"

     His smile falters, but it's only for a second before his megawatt grin is back to brighten up the night. "You want to aim a little lower? I'm all for the pain, for it's also a form of pleasure."

     Carson clears his throat behind me, and I turn around raising a brow at him while Hunter throws his arm over my shoulder, pulling me into his side.

"Something in your throat, Speros?" Hunter's equally deep, but raspier than Carson's, voice was laced with amusement.

     Carson looks back at him knowingly, casually glancing at Hunter's arm around me before grunting. "Drop your arm before you catch a disease."

     "Dude, don't be like that. Carter's cool." He pulls me closer, and presses his nose to my hair. "She smells good,  too."

     Carson rolls his eyes. "Pull your dress down, we're not entering a whore house."

     "It's to my knees!" I defend myself, looking down at my dress. The black hemline is touching my knees, seriously.

     "It should be to your ankles." He scoffs, giving me a once over. "Who the fuck are you trying to impress?"

     "Clearly not you, Father Carson. If I wanted to, I'd dress like a nun-in-training!" I narrow my eyes at his nose because I know his eyes were blazing. They always were when we argued.

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