Stuttering Heart.

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     Of all the scenarios running through my head during that short time of anticipating his arrival, I never thought that he would have had me on my back within an hour of us being together. And so I lay there, panting, my mind so cloudy from our desperate kisses. I was questioning my willpower while catching my breath, feeling my swollen, grinning lips as my naked chest rose and fell hard. I let my head roll to the side, my eyes trying to focus on the sideway view of the kitchen, searching for Carson.

     He went further than the kitchen, though, looking for my bedroom for something I had no clue of. I can't believe he's really here. And I can't believe I'm laying on the couch half-naked waiting for him to come back to me and rearrange my insides. My stomach tingles with nervousness. I didn't even shave. I curse, getting up off of the couch, my socks picking up static as I slid across the carpet. The moonlight reflecting off of the pots in my kitchen catch my eye as I pass it, but then I quickly remember why I'm off of the couch in the first place.

I know Carson is in my room, so I prepare myself not to be startled when I enter. He's not in here, though. I frown, covering my breasts because I felt completely exposed, and glanced around at my tidy little room. I lift an eyebrow at my dildo that used to stand tall on my dresser now resting on its side as if it fell over while being tampered with. "Carson," I say lowly, a teasing angry tone inflecting my voice as I push through the bathroom door. He jumps in place, startled, holding three condoms in his hand. We meet gazes in my big mirror, and that's when I notice the pack of makeup wipes clutched in his other hand. He smiled sheepishly.

When he turned around to face me, I took the makeup wipes out of his hand. "Why do you have these? And why do you have condoms I don't—" his free hand found a way around my throat, and he pulled me into a soft kiss, quieting me right on up. We break away, and he wipes my lipstick off of his lips.

"I have these," he sets the gold foil packages down to pick up my little packet of wipes, pulling one out and gently pulling me by the arm to stand between his legs as he leans against the countertop. "Because you have glitter all over your face." So he takes a hold of my cheeks with his right hand and dabs at my face with the damp cloth, ridding me of my ruined makeup. He cleans off my eyes, and I allowed him, blushing under the tenderness of his touch, even with my eyes closed I could feel his stare as he focused hard on doing it right.

     I feel like this cleaning up after me thing is going to be something much more ordinary than how it feels right now. I chew on my cheek as my mind starts to picture him doing the same thing to our daughter if we have one, wiping her face of makeup, and tsking at her like he's doing to me right now. "You don't even need makeup. What's the point when you're already so breathtakingly beautiful?" I let out a hot breath, my heart stuttering in my chest from the compliment. Yeah, he'd make an awesome dad. "Though I kinda do like seeing your mascara run when I fuck you." I take back the compliment I gave him inside my head.

     I feel the smooth, wet cloth on my lips, and I take it as a cue to open my eyes. His pretty, silver gaze was dropping from my lips to my breasts, and he sighs. "Are you ready to be a father?" I press my luck and both of our anxiety, rubbing my hard nipples against him. He chuckles, shaking his head and cleaning off my cheek before tossing the wipes into my trash beside the counter.

"Don't make me give you a third kid tonight." I shiver, goosebumps breaking out over my flesh. Give me alllllll of your kids. I moan, my body leaning over on its own to get as close as possible to this unfairly hot boy in front of me. I rest my head on his chest, trying to hold back the emotional tears from him wanting to give me another baby.

"Girl," he puts his hands on my arms, and pulls me backward, laughing at the tears sliding down my cheeks. "Is this what I'm going to have to put up with?" I nod my head, sniffing because it was one of those sporadic cries that instantly make your nose burn slightly and cloud up. I scrunch up my nose, trying not to cry anymore. He kisses the tip of my nose, warming me up inside.

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