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     When school let out, we were turned loose, and had a taste of a long distance relationship because my home wasn't Florida, and his wasn't Alabama, so we had a brief moment of shock when we realized we weren't going to be living together 24/7, and then it was peace. I had limped off to my car, while he strode to his without looking like any damage had been done to him at all. Though, if he were to take off his shirt in the summer sun, you'd see all of the markings I'd left on his back out of retaliation for the visible bearings on mine.

     I had been sexed out. I didn't even want to be in the presence of a male for the following few days because I felt so...different. It was as if he branded my insides, tattooed me, and ruined every other man in the world for me. I was a mess leaving that shitty building. I put in my papers because I was getting the hell out of that school, transferring to a college in my home state where I could work online, and actually get a job.

     Which is where I am now, pouring coffee for an older man, and it made my heart ache because I haven't seen Carson in weeks, so anything grey caused me to choke because I remembered his eyes so full of love that night and morning as he wrecked my body. The way I couldn't run from him after that graduation, and he hunted me down when I took off in my car, speeding down the streets to the hotel. He followed in his own, matching my speed, chasing me, following me, grinning while I giggled madly as we sped walked through the building.

     I tried to lose him, actually running when I got to my floor, though he was quick even under his buzzed, but stable mind, gripping my ponytail, locking me against him and giving me orders to give him my room key. So I did, and watched him with my heartbeat as erratic as ever, while he seemed so calm, inserting the key card and pushing down on the door handle, using my weight by pushing me into the door to open it fully.

We didn't make it to the bed.

I shiver, thinking about the way he took me on the floor as I add creamer to the guy's coffee, then my eyes widened as soon as the creamy liquid dripped out of the teeny cup. I quickly set the cup in front of the customer, and pull my apron over my head. "Going on break, Nance!" I yell to the sweet, old owner of the shop. I rush past the other girls that were making orders, pinching my nose. This has got to stop.

I round the fake marble counter, and walk a few steps to a booth where my friends were. "Girl, finally, we've been waiting forever," Bambi drops her head to the table. Everyone, including me, gasp when her hair dips into her coffee cup. I grab napkins, and just as she lifts up, I dab her hair with it, all of us at the table giggling and laughing with her when she feels the weight of the coffee soaking the front of her bun. "It was a little dry anyway," she jokes.

     I look around the table at the people I can now call my friends. And no, they aren't boys. When I told Bambi I was transferring schools, she begged me to move in with her. Little did I know, I was moving in with her and two other girls, in her apartment. The problem is that there are only three bedrooms, and I told her that I'm not rooming with anyone.

     She argued with me because none of the other girls wanted to share rooms with each other either, but now that I have a job and money saved up, I have no problem finding my own apartment. It's not that I'm being snooty and can't live with other people. I've been sharing rooms with guys for a while. The thing is...guys leave. Girls don't. And when I want alone time to myself in my bed with my Spero-dick shaped dildo, I can't be worrying about Bambi bursting in wanting to rant to me about her boyfriend issues.

     Imagine that. Me, with a replica of Carson's appendage in my hand, wide-eyed and flustered.


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