Damn, Girl.

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"Finish what you started."

     My voice was rougher than I imagined it to be in my head as I looked down on the girl that made my head spin with a million emotions at once. Her delicate fingers, despite being able to hit the hell out of a baseball, were touching my belt buckle as if she were etching this moment into her mind.

     I have never wanted sex so bad.

     Correction: I have never wanted Carter so bad.

     Her thick hair was out, a mass of ringlets brushing her shoulders, and her makeup was minimal, almost nonexistent. She only had on mascara to draw attention to her gorgeous hazel eyes, and lipgloss to accentuate her full lips that I so desperately want against my own.

     Her dark green looking eyes flicker up to my equally as dark, grey ones as her chest called my attention. The bra she wore pushed them up, and they were almost spilling out of the low neck her dress had, the line swooping down, showing the smooth swells of her breasts, the moles decorating each one in their own special pattern. I want to kiss each and every one.

     I let my hands travel to her hair, pushing it back over her shoulders before urging her to unbuckle my belt. I lean closer to her, taking her by the hips to guide her toward me as my lips trailed the helix of her left ear. She shudders, biting her lip to suppress a moan. "Take it off," I whispered, my voice a little more raspy than expected, my dick twitching at the thought of her hands on it again.

She pressed her forehead to my chest as she exhaled out, triggering goosebumps to rise on my skin. Her fingers worked slowly, pulling the leather through the frame before lifting the prong so she could pull the rest through, unlocking it from the buckle. She then tugged on the heavy metal, allowing the rest of the belt to follow, sliding through my belt loops before she tossed it onto the floor. The sound of the material thumping when it met the ground made her shiver as she reached for my jeans.

Pulling them down slowly, her body lowered with them, and soon she was on her knees before me, tugging down my pants the rest of the way. I stepped out of them, kicking them to the side before cursing at the sight of her on her knees. Fuck, she's so hot.

Her little hands rested on my thighs when she looked up at me innocently, though I knew she was anything but innocent. Carter likes sex, it's very clear since she's the kind of girl to get herself off with a vibrator. I smirk at the memory of finding one in her bathroom. Dirty, dirty girl. I palmed my dick, slipping it to the side to have more room while I wrapped her hair up in my fist. "Fuck," she closes her eyes when the word left my throat subconsciously. "You make me so hard."

     "I want you," she pressed her cheek against my thigh. I bit my lip because dick decided it had the green light to leak precum after her declaration. I quickly licked the metallic taste of my blood away.

I couldn't..."Stand up," I closed my eyes briefly, helping her up by tugging on the thin straps of her sinful dress. The girl had me hard all night. I would be lying if I said she didn't manage to piss me but arouse me at the same damn time. She gripped my legs in order to balance herself as she got up from her knees. I couldn't take her while she was drunk. And I definitely couldn't give her the satisfaction after she put on that goddamn show for every male in the place.

Still holding onto her straps, I breathed out a frustrated sigh just looking at her body. It was practically bowing toward me, calling out to me, giving me chills. I so desperately wanted to help her, to please her properly. To take my time with her. It was all about me before. I just wanted to take what I wanted, to use her and get rid of what I figured was just sexual attraction. But looking at her right now, it only further confuses me—the way I feel.

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