Let Her Come to You.

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"Mom, do I look okay?" I look at her, watching as she twirls around in the kitchen, stepping away from the stove, also known as her happy place. Her brown hair whips over her shoulders, and her dark eyes trail me, scanning for any flaws.

"Come here, child," she waves me over, going back to slowly, carefully mixing the dark, chocolate batter in a big pot. Her little fingers pull at the collar of my shirt, lifting it up before folding it back down nicely, and stepping back. She tilts her head to the side before coming back and unbuttoning the first two buttons of my shirt. She sniffs me. "Why do you only smell like soap?"

"I took a shower?" I furrow my eyebrows, my tone sarcastic. "What am I supposed to smell like?"

     "The cologne I bought you, smartass."

     "It's back at school."

     "Of course it is," she rolls her eyes before dragging me up the stairs toward her bedroom. "Caprice!"

     "Yes, honey!" He yells back almost instantly, as if he was waiting for her to call him.

     "Do you—"

     "—Yes Karlo, come here," he cut her off, already knowing what she was going to ask him. Their connection with each other is unreal at times. We enter the room and he hands her a bottle of cologne before getting a good look at me. "Well damn, why are you dressed up? The wedding's over."

     My mom just couldn't hold in her excitement. "Oh he's going on a date when Raine!" She claps excitedly before turning me to face her and sprays me multiple times with the minty/spicy smelling scent. "Aren't you super excited, Calix?" She calls me by my middle name, which makes me give her a bored look.


     "Oh so she's your girlfriend now or something?" My dad takes the cologne back from mom, and disappears into their master bathroom for a second. My mother looks at me expectantly, her brown eyes wide and bright.


     "Pussy," he smacks his teeth, "What?" He looks at my mom who was giving him a dirty look. "He finally brings a girl home and he's still scared to commit to her?"

"Can you hear his side of the story first?" I glance at her to meet her eye, but she was busy being upset with my dad. What did Raine tell her? Or is this just some sort of mother's intuition? Dad sits on his bed, resting his weight on his arms as he leans backward.

"Go on."

"She doesn't want a title," I say out loud, feeling like an idiot. Of course I shouldn't feel bad because Raine's made it clear that she likes me, but it I can't lie and say I didn't feel a nasty sting of rejection. My mom places her hand on my back, rubbing it softly. "She doesn't trust me right now."

"Carson..." her tone was serious. "Are you fucking around with her?"

"Karlo," Dad warns her. She rolls her eyes, clearly being a brat on purpose. She's always stoking the fire. "Carson, I know how you are, boy," he sighs, rubbing a hand down his face before waving me over. I walk to the edge of the bed and stand in front of him. "Let me tell you how to get women to sway," he smiles at my mom, who flicks him off. His voice turns lethal when he demands lowly, "Leave."

She all but ran away.

The only thought running in my head was: I'm so fucking glad I won't be here while they fuck it out. "Hey, Ryker!"

Ryker runs into the room, still putting on his jeans. His bow tie was still loosely wrapped around his neck, the bow dangling across his bare chest. One thing you don't make my dad do is wait. If he calls, your ass better be there asap. "What's up?"

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