Never Again (Part 1).

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You stupid, tight pussy-starved dick.

Those words kept swirling around in my brain, slamming into the forefront of my mind ever since I first woke up this morning. Regret isn't something that I feel often because the things that I do, I do for a purpose, and I do because my mind, body, and soul are all on board. But why did I feel so regretful after waking up to a softly snoring mixed girl with dark, unruly hair fanned across the pillows we share?

She wasn't supposed to make my dick hard. She wasn't supposed to make my chest tighten, my throat close, and my limbs nervous. She wasn't supposed to moan so sexily while I held her. She wasn't supposed to fucking look at me with those damn 'fuck me' eyes and make every thought I had dissipate to wherever thoughts that escaped your memory dissipated to.

But she did. She made my dick so hard, I was leaking pre-cum before I could even register what she was doing to me. She had my heart constricting in my chest, I had no choice but to breathe heavily since my throat was closing up on me. She made my fingers twitch, desperate to touch her, but terrified to fail to please her if she wound up having different pleasure zones or things that turn her on.

She made the cutest little sounds whenever I did something right—whenever she wanted me to keep going, but clawed at my body when I went a little too far; when I gave her pleasure so intense, she could've had a stroke. She did everything she wasn't supposed to do. Looking at me with those hazel eyes that had me rethinking my entire approach to her—rethinking everything I ever did to her. When I told her to show me how much she wanted me, she gave me a look that I don't even think she realized was so much more than her just wanting me to fuck her and that scared the shit out of me.

She made me nervous in bed, and that scared the shit out of me. I never had to think about what I was doing whenever I had sex. Never had to think about a woman's pleasure before my own because as long as my sex hit their sex, they were pleased, but look at her and I knew I had to make her come before I did at least once. Thinking back, I wish I had did more. I wish I had made it the best night of her fucking life—did the things I knew I could do to have a woman melt into a puddle of orgasm.

But I didn't.

And fuck, that's one of the things I regret.

I never gave her everything I had in me. She should've been seeing stars—hell nuclear explosions, but she didn't. But if I know one thing, it's that one person was definitely seeing the baddest fireworks on the Fourth of July, and that person was me. Talk about the release of the century.

My dick twitches just thinking about it. I grunt.

     "Was that a yes or a no?" Maya pulls me from my treacherous thoughts as she pushes her glasses up on the top of her pretty little head.

     I blinked. What the hell was her question? Lucky for me, I've been in situations like this with my mother many, many times where she's rambled and asked me a question. About seventy percent of the time, I managed to get the response that pleased her and kept me alive and breathing. If I say yes, there's a possibility of Maya tricking me because she knew I wasn't listening to her, making me look stupid in front of everyone. If I say no...I don't really see the harm in it. "No," I said before narrowing my eyes at her, waiting for her response.

     When she giggled, I rolled my eyes. The body removal crew behind me was also snickering. "If you swing that way, Carson, I know a few guys that've been craving a new partner."

     I flip the random guy off that was talking shit, "What the hell did you ask me?" I glance over at Maya.

     She snorted before crossing her arms over her chest, pushing her breasts up and gaining my attention without her even realizing it. "I asked you if you preferred tits over balls, and you said no."

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