Work Hard, Train Hard.

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Waking up never felt so chore-like. Sure, every morning there's a struggle to get out of bed because who the hell wants to wake up after such a wonderful sleep, but just wasn't it. Yawning, I stretched my arms, but they didn't get too far in the air because I knocked against something solid.

"What the..." Popping open one eye, I was met with the sight of brown hair that was fairly messy and a cute little mole on a forehead, right above an eyebrow. I closed my eye and fell into a state of half sleep and half awake until the image processed in my mind. Then, both of my eyes snapped open, and I realized that Carson fucking Speros was asleep next to me.

I rubbed my eyes, and everything was still blurry, so I did it again, and I nearly had a heart attack.

Scratch what I had said before. Carson fucking Speros was asleep, cuddling me. His head was resting on my chest, light snores coming from his parted, fuller-than-full lips, and a small crease on his forehead due to me practically elbowing him earlier. A part of myself softened, and as a silent apology, I traced my thumb across the crease, and he relaxed instantly, cuddling deeper into my side.

His arms tightened around me when I tried to creep out of bed, so I was officially stuck. Sighing, I reach over to our shared bedside table, and I push his phone out of the way before grabbing my own. Carson readjusts himself as I settle back under the sheets. This time, he placed his leg over mine, successfully draping his entire body over half of mine. I scrolled through my phone, searching for my mother's contact before pressing the call button.

     It rang twice.

"Raine!" She squealed, and the sound of rustling was filling in the air before I connected my phone to my earphones. Carson grunted.

"Hey, Mommy." I smiled, pressing the off button to my phone, letting the screen turn black before resting it beside me on the bed. I stared up at the ceiling as my mother started rambling.

"Honey, how was your week? I know y'all went to Texas not too long ago. Did you guys win the tournament? I saw you on the paper, but they didn't disclose anything. I guess that was before the championship. Did you score? How's Carson?" She gushed.

If my mother was a fan of any boy I had as a boyfriend over the years, she was faking it because her love for Carson? Let's just say she probably loves him more than she loves me. And she loves me a lot. She and Carson met during my sophomore year of college—last year. She came to our second home game, and almost had a heart attack when the team decided to introduce themselves to her. All nine of our main players (excluding me): Carson, Hunter, Vincent, Isaiah, Sebastian, Lucious, Quentin, and Cori.

"My week was pretty nice—Texas isn't all so bad. The beds were comfortable. We did win the tournament, so that newspaper was most likely before the championship. We were undefeated. I did score. And Carson," I looked down at his sleeping form, a smile finding its way to my face as my eyes looked over his little beauty marks that dotted his face, some were by his hairline on his temple. "He's doing fine."

"That's great baby—Dante, stop!" She yelled while giggling like a madwoman before gasping rather loudly, "Raine is on the phone...later," she purred, causing me to gag. "Don't be jealous, sweetheart." She teased me.

"Never will be jealous, Mom. You know I adore your relationship with Dad," I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. My parents have been together since they first met in college. Apparently, she was in a serious relationship at the time with a friend that she knew for a while, and my father managed to pull her away with no intent of letting her go. She always raves about his persistency.

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