No Pain, No Gain.

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The doctor looked at me with his lips pursed, and his blue eyes darting between Carson and I. Carson has decided not to make an appointment for himself because he knew it wasn't as serious as my injury is. While he had minor bruising on his forehead, I had momentarily lost vision in my right eye and I now have a slight headache.

The doctor, who goes by the name of Dr. Jones, glanced up at my hair, and brought his index and middle fingers up to his thin lips. "I don't even know if I want to ask what happened," he shook his head from side to side, assessing me .

Carson fidgeted next to me. He had quickly got up and scooped me from off of the floor in my half-blind state, and was going to bolt out of the showers without his towel, but I convinced him to use it to cover up himself and not me. I was already wearing clothes, but he was concerned about the AC in the building causing me discomfort as we walked to our dorm room.

Shivering the whole way there was worth not having to walk down the hallways with Carson butt ass naked next to me. He insisted that I go to the emergency room even though I told him time after time that I didn't need to go. He just hauled me over his shoulder and forced me to come here, even carried me into the hospital bridal style and was going off on the staff about how I was going to have a seizure soon if they didn't take me back.

Now we're here, with a doctor judging me without even hearing my story, and Carson wincing every time he looked at me. It couldn't be that bad. I was dying to look in the mirror that's on the opposite side of the room, but Carson stopped me each time. It wasn't like I could just look up and see myself because the mirror was above a sink, which was parallel to the bed that I was sitting on.

"So what happened?" Dr. Jones finally caved, and I looked at Carson who wasn't looking at me until he felt that I was looking at him. His grey eyes then snapped to my hazel ones and he arched a thick brow.

"You tell him," I mumbled, looking away, feeling too embarrassed to say anything to the doctor. How would I even start it? 'Well, what had happened was...I was sucking his dick—'

"She was sucking my dick—" I gaped at Carson before smacking my hand over his mouth so he wouldn't word vomit and give this man every detail of what just happened two hours ago. The doctor blanched and excused himself, leaving me with the devil.

"Are you serious?" I all but yelled, moving away from him when he scooted closer to me, "I tell you I was too embarrassed to tell him, and you say it anyway?"

Carson's brows raised, "You never said that you were embarrassed."

"Yes I—oh," I looked down at my lap, feeling like an idiot. Heat was licking up my neck and my face the longer I sat there under the scrutinizing gaze of Carson's steely eyes.

He leaned over me, and I felt his hands in my hair. "Uh-oh," he said lowly, causing me to snap my head up.


"You know how the doctor kept looking at your hair?" He said slowly, as if making sure I was going to stay calm for whatever it was that would come out of his mouth next.

"Yeah..." I dragged the word out, curious as to what he was about to say.

     "You kind of have my your hair." He scratches his chin, and moves down to his throat, complaining quietly about his hair growing back.

Meanwhile, my jaw is touching the marble floor of the emergency room. "Seriously?" I gawked. When he gave me a quiet, but blunt yes, I leaned back against the wall behind me and groaned. Carson's big arm brushed against mine as he got comfortable on the bed. I didn't have it in me to get up and look at my face in the mirror. I probably looked atrocious. "How bad do I look?"

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