The Lab.

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University of Daytona.

Home of the Bulldogs.

Home of the whores, bitches, and dicks of Florida.

Strolling through campus is either like driving a limo through New York traffic, or like driving a truck through the deserted streets of Arizona.

Who the fuck lives in Arizona?

Not the point. Normally, college is an easy place to be secluded, to be in the background; not thought about. You can enroll, and no one would know you existed until graduation when your name is called.

In our, college, however. People get called out for things left and right. For terrible things.

'What things?' You may ask.

Let's rewind, and let me walk you through the shit I was bombarded with within seconds of me stepping foot on campus from Texas.


     "Home sweet motherfucking home!" Hunter rasps out, dropping to his knees, and kissing the ground. I roll my eyes, watching him from the bus window as I attempt to pull my things from out of the overhead compartment.

     "Could you get my stuff when you're done? I'm too short to reach." Carter asks groggily from behind me. She fell asleep a little while after I threatened her. Her and that damn friend wouldn't shut up.

     Ignoring her, I pull out my suitcase, and close the compartment door before brushing past her and getting off the bus, turning the music up in my headphones louder.

     Walking with a purpose, I maneuvered through other students. I was destined for a nap. I had a shit ton of work to catch up on, but first, I had to make love to my bed.

     I pushed through the entrance doors, holding it open for a few ladies and trying my best to ignore everyone that attempts to hold a conversation with me.

     I was close to the elevators when I heard someone yelling my name from across the room. Thinking it was just a traumatizing moment from when my mother used to always yell my name from around the house, I shook my head and pushed the up button.

     But it got louder, and I was sure I wasn't having hallucinations. Turning around, I had a look on my face that made others jump back in fear. When I say I was tired, I was on the brink of murdering the next person that called my name.

     Until I saw who was in front of me, and I breathed out a sigh of which sounded like relief, but it wasn't. "Missed me?" She bites her lip as she struts over to me, her heels clicking loudly.

    I took my headphones off, and for the sake of not looking like a douche, I put them in my suitcase quickly. "Definitely," I wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a friendly hug.


     It was something I was accustomed to. I was used to embracing her in a way that was platonic, but hooking up with her in a public restroom or wherever.

     Agreeing that I missed her...that wasn't something that came out naturally. To spare the feelings of the girl that I care about, though, I told her I did anyway.

     "How was the 'Tournament of Texas'?" She made up her own name for it, using quotation marks and saying it in a deep voice that's supposed to mock a commentator's.

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