Fearless Travelers

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I just have this sneaking suspicion that aliens would not necessarily want to let humans pilot anything.

Like, we're already pretty fearless with how we travel - planes, trains, automobiles, boats, hot air balloons, etc. Most of us will figure out how to get to our destinations. traffic and weather be damned. If there's a way for us to get somewhere, we'll do it, even if it means we freaking walk there.

It takes ages before aliens trust us to piolet anything because, while we may be cautious when it comes to working with crazy weather plans, we always find a way to get to where we need to go. Yeah, some of us can be reckless and fearless, we have such a will.

Imagine, if you will, a mission crew is stuck on a planet due to foul weather and they can't get their shuttle up to meet up with their expedition ship. The (alien) mission leader is worried that they won't make it through the storm. But then a human slide's into the shuttle's pilot seat and starts firing up the engines with absolute confidence.

Mission Leader: Human-Amaya, what do you think you're doing?

Amaya: Getting us out of here, boss

ML: It's too dangerous out there! We won't be able to get through or around this storm.

Amaya: *Grinning* It's no worse than any Cat-2 hurricane back home. I've flown through worse conditions before.

ML: What?

Amaya: Hey, Jax, tell them about that time we flew a helicopter over a mountain while I get up ready to blast off.

ML: Human-Jax, please tell me that was a Human Tall Tale.

Jax: Nope. We were trying to avoid a blizzard and there was no other way to do it than go over a mountain. Okay, is was a pretty small mountain, but we did it. Things got a bit dicey on the way down, but we survived.

ML: I don't want to know anymore.

Amaya: Okay kids, strap in. It's time to blow this popsicle stand!

Jax: YEAH!!!

Found on Tumblr by archvistofnerddom

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