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What about the Hadron Collider?

Like aliens come to earth and are kind of impressed with how fast our technology is progressing, and they're like,  touring the earth and meeting the greatest minds of our generation and eventually end up at CERN.

Alien: So what are you doing here, Human Scientist of CERN?

Scientist: Oh, well, we made this machine that smashes atoms into even smaller stuff.

Alien: Oh? And how did you achieve this?

Scientist: Well we throw them at each other at amazing speeds until the break apart. It's actually pretty cool.

Alien: It does sound interesting.

Scientist: Right? It sucks there's people who are pissed about it.

Alien: Excuse me?

Scientist: Well, theoretically, there's a chance we could create a black hole if we through with this process. 



Alien: Why do you persist in this endeavor if this is a possibility?

Scientist: It's fuckin' sicc.

And then the aliens realize that oh, humans are only so ahead of the times because they're fucking crazy and just do shit. And then they leave.

Just in case.

-Found on Tumblr by straight-outta-hobbiton

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