Music and Anatomy

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-Humans have a way of singing that if you are not careful can permanently damage you vocal cords

- Humans are incredible mimics

- Whenever we hear this song can't be sung by humans" we immediately go "lol" and do it anyway

-Humans have a wide variety in which they can pitch their voices naturally, Freddie Mercury being a shining example of this (even though he is an outlier). Likewise, some people's voices are naturally super high pitched or super fucking deep, there's a lot of factors in human vocals

Which got me thinking about how varied music would be in some Galactic Federation type thing. How interpersonal relationships may be affected by a human hearing a song that is from a species that maybe descended from birds and humans just nailing the lyrics.

An alien crewmate walking in to find that one of their human crewmates are trying extremely hard to sing this song that, as far as anyone could tell, isn't possible for them to do but, what would you know they're getting better and better and might just be able to do it!

People who are singers have to have amazing breath control because of famously long notes in various songs and are able to hold them and keep on going where as a human who doesn't have the same kind of practice or an alien that just might not be able to do it would be really impressed at this.

idk man just, intergalactic music.

-Found on Tumblr by theatricalassassin



Imagine if only humans had periods. 

So if humans are essentially emotional support, imagine if aliens can sense emotions so they (or at least one) can feel a woman's discomfort in waves although they're concerned, they leave it because the human is not reacting so maybe they're fine? That is until suddenly there's a spike of pain from the human and oh no a human is showing pain so they must be dying.

Cue medical scare as aliens find out that female humans bleed out for roughly five days every month and their solution was to carry on like normal.

By the time the human has explained it all, they're being pampered and protected by all members of the crew and the is screaming at the commander, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US HUMANS DO THIS LIKE HOW DO THEY HAVE ENOUGH BLOOD?!?!"

The next thing you know, alien captains and medical teams are having their 'How to Take Care of Humans' pamphlet updated.

-Found on Tumblr by just-an-observation

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