Mephisto/ Sacrifice?

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Hey guys. sorry it took so long to update but here is the next chapter. Super excited cause its almost done... What will happen next??!


After sitting on the floor for a while, I decided to get up and sit on the edge of the bed beside where Rin laid. 

“Aw Raven, it’s you.” Someone says and I look up and see Mephisto across from us sitting in his red chair. “Why are you two in a place like this?”

“How am I suppose to know? Yukio put us here.”

“Yukio?” he asks highly.

“Rin will probably tell you once he wakes up.” I say and it goes silent again.

All there is to do is wait for Rin to wake up.

About 20 minutes later, I hear a noise behind me so I look back and see Rin starting to wake up.

“Did you sleep well?” Mephisto asks and Rin turns towards where the voice is and sees him then jumps out of the bed and grabs the cells bars.

“Mephisto!?!” Rin says. “Where the hell are we?”

“We are in the basement of Vatican headquarters.” He says. “It’s a dungeon they call Cocytus.”

“Co-what?” Rin asks and I stand up so I can see Mephisto as well. I see him eating something that looks like maybe a ball of rice with something on it. 

“This is probably that last place in the world that I ever think of seeing you.” He says “Now would you mind terribly if I ask how you managed to get yourself locked up in here.”

And with that Rin explains everything to Mephisto, mainly that Yukio is the Paladin now and told everyone that they were doing a demon hunt.

“You don’t say. Mr. Okumura is the new Paladin and they have him hunting demons too.” Mephisto says. “An intriguing turn of events, no?” 

“Yeah I guess, but why did they arrest you?” Rin asks.

“Eins, zwei, drei.” He says and pulls out a board from his hat. “Once-upon-a-time 500 years ago-“

“Not show and tell.” Rin complains.

“-At the time I, Johann Faust was on the cutting edge of science. I specialized in the study of artificial life.”

“Someone needs to take some art class when they get out of here.” Rin says bored. 

“Ugh, everyone’s a critic.” Mephisto says a little mad now and I smirk, amused that this is going on. “Back to the story, as you already know the Vatican prohibited the creation of artificial life.  Having left my laboratory to my disciples a long time before that decree, I was out of the game. My disciples however continued their research.”

“Wait, you’re talking about-“

“Yeess, the research lab for artificial life in Poland. Mr. Neuhaus was my disciples, disciples, disci- any who, that’s how we knew each other. The end.”   

“Mr. Neuhaus was saying that he didn’t resurrect his wife. He was just keeping her body preserved. He said someone did it.”

“No doubt he was framed by that very same someone.” Mephisto says putting the board back into his hat.

“Do you know who it is?” Rin asks.

“For the answer to that, look for the person who thinks of me as the thorn in his side.” Mephisto says, standing up then poofs into his dog form, coming out of the cage and up to ours. 

The Life of Raven Kurokawa; A Blue Exorcist RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now