Demon Hunt

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“So what did I miss since I was you know, recovering?” I ask.

“Well you missed a demon that got into the Academy called Gufu through Konekomaru and I saved him from the demon, even though there were many complications between being the Spawn of Satan and the others. Suguro beat me pretty bad since I attacked him but that’s cause the demon was on him, I just wanted to get him away but it didn’t seem to work. Shura was trying to get me to light candles-“

“By lighting the ones on the outside then the middle alone?” I ask cutting him off.

“Yeah, but I only had to do the outside ones. Wait did you have to do it too?”

“Yeah, when I told Mephisto who I was with Night. I had to do a bunch of tests.” I say.

“Man that sucks.” He says and I nod. “Uhh, you missed Konekomaru almost leaving but we all got him to stay in the end. Also we had a party celebrating everyone’s birthday but you were still recovering so we just decided to give you your gift when you were feeling better. Then you also missed Mr. Neuhaus’ wife who was also trying to kill me, well the spawn of Satan. Damn, you’re lucky not much people know that you are also the daughter of Satan.”

“Heh, I know. That’s what happens when you don’t know for most your life, also my powers are stored in my blade deeper so my flames don’t come spewing out as easily as yours.” I say.

“Damn you’re lucky, but I am glad Mr. Neuhaus’ wife didn’t go after you.” He says, looking over at me relieved.

I smile and look down, then he comes over lifts up my chin and places a passionate kiss on my lips, then pulls me into a hug.

“I’m glad you’re ok and better.”  He says and I smile.

“Thanks Rin.” I say in his neck. 

After a bit, he gives me my gift which was a blue bunny. I smile at it and then Rin comes up to me with a small black box. I look up at him he smiles.

“I got this myself for you after the party.” He says and opens it. I see a blue and black diamond necklace in the shape of a heart.

I smile and he takes the necklace out of the box then holds it in his hand.

“Turn around. I’ll put it on for you.” He says and I smile, I turn around and pull my hair to the side. He puts the necklace on and clips it. I look at it and see it sits right above my cleavage. I turn around and look up at him then smile, he smiles down at me as well.

“It’s beautiful Rin. I love it, thank you.” I say to him.

“I knew you would.” 

After a little while, I find Yukio didn’t come home and I hop in the shower. Soon after, I go into Rin’s room and see he is passed out on his bed still in his Cram School outfit. I smile then go out and into my room. Soon after I also fall asleep. 

The next day, I was told by Yukio what was going on. That now we have a mission for the Cram School students, to exterminate all demons in Assiah. That also tonight we would be hunting more tonight. So when night follows, we head into the forest and start hunting each demon one by one, millions by millions. To me it doesn’t seem right, since technically they are my kind by I am also part human. I look towards Rin who is standing on top of a log, watching the fire that one of the instructors has started. I can also see that no one else agrees with what the Vadican is making us do. This continues over the next couple of nights. One night, we go back into the forest and Yukio comes with. We ended up going to the same area where we did training out here and also when we first fought Amaimon. We are taking a break and then all of a sudden, this big giant boar comes running through and I look and see Yukio in its way. He shoots it and it runs right into the forest and falls over.

“You cursed humans. How dare you hurt the children of my forest. For 2000 years, they helped me protect this place from the ravagers of man.” The boar says. I can see Rin heard him too since we are demons, we can hear them talking. 

Then I see Yukio on the back of the boar, aiming his gun at him.

“Hey, hold on. You don’t have to-“Rin says but is cut off my Yukio shooting the boar several times in the head.

Everyone looks at him in shock, including me. How can he be soo heartless? I ask myself. Then he hops down.

“Why the hell did you do that for Yukio?” Rin asks, angered. 

“What? We’re on a demon hunt.” Yukio says annoyed.

“That boar was the God of this forest.” Rin says. “He was just pissed off cause we killed all his buddies.”

“Our orders are clear. We have to eradicate every single demon off the face of the earth.” Yukio says. 

“What the hell? What about Kuro and Ukobach? What about Raven’s familiar, Night? What about Izumo’s familiars huh? Their demons, what? You’re going to kill them all too?” Rin says angered. 

“You know what Rin, your absolutely right.” Yukio says then aims his gun at Rin then Kuro. “We must exterminate all demons.”

He about to pull the trigger then Rin flames up and grabs Yukio’s gun by the barrel and it shoots. Then Kuro jumps off Rin’s shoulder and looks up angrily at Yukio. 

“Are you outta your mind?” Rin asks him angered.

“You better let go of me Rin.” Yukio says and I start walking towards them, feeling something bad about to happen.

“So anything that calls itself a demon is hunted down and killed is that the plan? Since when are exorcist murderers?” 

“I said let go of me.” Yukio says, puts his hand back and I see he grows demon claws then he smacks Rin across the face, making him go flying back and he passes out.

“Rin! What’d you do to him?” I hear Kuro say then I look back and see Yukio staring down at Kuro and he gets scared then runs off.

“Kuro!” I shout. Now I am ticked at Yukio, what the hell has gotten into him lately. 

I run over to Rin and see he is still breathing. Good. Then I hear Yukio’s phone start ringing and he answers it. 

“Okumura here.” He says and I look at him angered, and he just looks at me. “Alright, I understand.”

He then hangs up. 

“Morgan Yong.”

“Yes sir.” He says stepping forward, behind me.

“I want you to take them to Vadican headquarters.” Yukio says.

“Yes sir.” He says then steps forward and grabs my arm, standing me up then grabs Rin and slings him over his shoulder. 

Yukio then comes up behind me and I look at him in disgust. He just looks at me then takes something out of his pocket, I see it’s a tie for my wrists but is probably enchanted for demons so they can’t break it or try to escape. He mentions for me to turn and I do, then he ties my hands and takes my sword from me. He also leans into my ear from behind.

“I’m sorry. I have to do it.” He says, tightening it and I flinch since it hurt a bit also is pinching skin. 

“I still hate you Yukio. Don’t expect me to forgive you easily.” I whisper back.

“Fair enough.”

We then head to headquarters and bump into Shura on the little bridge. Yukio mentions for Yong to take us deeper in and he does, I then hear Shura bitching at Yukio for his behavior or something like that. 

We ended up being locked up in a cell with a bed. Yong layed Rin down on the bed and I just went in. He took the restraint off and I just sat on the floor, against the wall which is also facing the bed. For most the time, I look at Rin, hoping he’s ok and will wake up soon. I however don’t sleep for the rest of the night. I also notice they took my sword. Wonder why they took my sword. I ask myself, thinking about it all night as well.

The Life of Raven Kurokawa; A Blue Exorcist RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now