The Hearing

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They left and I made my way to the Gregori. Yukio gave me his key so I can get through and that in about an hour I am to open the gate again and let them in from Kioto to the Gregori hearing room. I make my way there but when I do I hear a lot of noise. I start running and hear more noise. I run faster and burst through the door and I see Rin in a blue like crystal, then I see Angel and Shura run to the corridor. I see also Mephisto on top of a giant case of stairs, facing the Gregori.

“Amaimon?” the lady Gregori asks.

“How did he get in here?” another asks.

“Sir Pheles, are you behind this?” one of them ask.

“Fuggiest my lord, what on earth would I have to gain by causing such mischief at my own hearing. That being said, might I suggest we take advantage of this golden opportunity, instead of talking about his potential, see for yourself just how powerful the spawn of Satan is.” Mephisto says.

“What do you mean?” the girl Gregori asks.

“We are under siege my lady, and currently the boy is the only weapon powerful enough to protect us.” Mephisto says. “Who would like to bet wither Rin Okumura becomes to savor of Assiah or he becomes the Demon King of Gahenna. Wouldn’t you like to see the outcome with your very own eyes?”

Then I step forward beside Rin, but on the ground.

“Who are you?” One of the Gregori asks.

“I am Raven Kurokawa, daughter of Luna Kurokawa and daughter of Egyn, the King of Water also the  half daughter of Satan.” I say and they all intake a breath. “I am here to offer my services also as a weapon against Satan.”

Then all of a sudden I see Rin move in the crystal beside me, but only for a second. I also see that his shirt is frozen in place, open at the bottom a bit.

“He moved!” the lady Gregori says.

“Don’t tell me that demons waking up?” the green Gregori guy asks.

“We can’t allow that. Sir Pheles do something immediately.” The judge says.

“If you recall, I’m the defendant in this court room. It would be unethical if I were to go about tampering with the evidence against me.” Mephisto says quietly. “However if you really want me too, all I need from the court is the following order. Release the son of Satan and use him as a weapon to protect the Vatican.”

Then it’s quiet for a second, except for the battle that’s going on in the big hall. Then I hear a growl and look back at the door Shura and Angel ran out of. After a second, Shura and Angel are thrown through the door then Amaimon emerges from the other room, all surrounded by rock. I see he is part of the eye. He comes in laughing hysterically.

“Ahhhaahahaha. I’ve found you. Ahhaha.” Amaimon says.

He tries and goes for Rin, but there is a barrier that is surrounding him and it blocks Amaimon, but then Amaimon gets pissed and slams down his fist which breaks the floor and the barrier that’s keeping Rin up. He then comes crashing down, and Amaimon picks him up. I watch at what everything happens.

“No pressure, but the poles will be closing soon. Time to cast your votes, yay or nah.” Mephisto says, putting up his right arm, being like a auction or show case person. 

“You fiend. You came knowing full well this would happen, didn’t you?” Angel asks. “This was all a ploy. You knew Satan’s spawn would attract another demon.”

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. Instead of over analyzing the situation, shouldn’t you be protecting the Gregori. Not pointing your live little finger at me.” Mephisto says to him and it sounds like he pissed Angel off.

“I’ve come to settle things Rin Okumura.” Amaimon says, squeezing Rin but then I hear a blast and see Amaimon’s head blown and Rin on the ground at Amaimon’s feet. “Stick around, after this I’ll come and kill each one of you too.”

“Enough Sir Pheles, I don’t care what methods you employ. Exterminate that demon at once.” The lady Gregori orders.

“Your wish is my command.” Mephisto says bowing then snaps his fingers and I hear foot steps on top.

“Okumura!” Bon says and I see Rin’s fingers flinches. “You gonna sleep all day? Wake the hell up!”

I look and I see in his hand is Kurikara. They must have found someone to fix it. I think to myself.

“Is that…” Angel asks.

“Kurikara. They were able to fix it.” Shura says.

“I can hear it. Rin Okumura’s heartbeat.” Amaimon says. “Give me… that sword.”

He says then reaches for Bon for the sword but he dodges and slides down Amaimon’s arm.

“Shima.” He says then throws it to him and he catches it from the second story.

“What the- bad idea.” He says freaking out then throws it to Izumo. “Catch.”

“What? Don’t throw it to me.” Izumo says, catching it but then stops and Amaimon reaches over to her.

“Over here Kamiki.” Yukio says and she just dodges Amaimon’s hand, then throws it.

“Catch.” She says and throws it to him.

He catches it and turns to Rin, but then Amaimon drops a giant Baryon on him and he dodges it but hits his head on the stairs.

“Yukio.” Shura says.

“Teach!” Bon yells.

I see him struggle over to Rin, but the fall made him come closer to him.

“Come on.” He says putting the sword on Rin’s chest. “Wake up Rin. Wake up.”

He says then it ignites Rin’s flames which now engulf his body. This shocks the Gregori.

“Ugh, the blue flames!”

“They’re bright as they were that night.”

I hear Mephisto laugh. Then I see Rin stand up very oddly, and looks at Amaimon with an odd look, flopping over his head, and has the sword in his hand.

“I’ll crush you.” Amaimon says, going to hit Rin but he pulls out him sword and cuts Amaimons arm off in one swift movement.

He then runs up Amaimon cutting his arm bit by bit till he reaches Amaimon himself and stabs him in the chest, then Amaimon is engulfed by flames and disappears. Rin falls back down on his feet, puts his sword away and falls back over.

“Rin.” Yukio says.

“Rin.” Shiemi says.

Then I see Angel stand above him with his sword at Rin’s neck.

“Hey, what the hell are you doing?” Bon yells, I ready my sword to charge.

“I’m gonna sever the bloodline of Satan.” He says.

“Stand down Angel.” The lady Gregori says

“We decided to accept the wage you supposed by Sir Pheles.”

“Wither he becomes the savor of Assiah or he becomes the demon who destroys it, we have no choice now but to wait and see. Along with the other.” They Gregori says and Angel pulls his sword away.

“What other one?” Angel asks.

“Me. Raven Kurokawa, I am also a spawn of Satan and his brother Egyn.” I say and Angel just looks at me.

After they dismiss all of us but wants to talk to me as well as Shura and Yukio. When i got home, I found Night gone. I guess he has other business to take care of. 

The Life of Raven Kurokawa; A Blue Exorcist RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now