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The next day, I’m feeling a little better and don’t feel so depressed and lonesome. I get up and get changed into a pair of white capris, a lime green racer back and a green, blue and black plaid. I then brush my teeth and brush my hair, this time leaving my long black and blue hair down, which now reaches my butt. I then grab a pair of scissors and cut off about two inches of it putting it to about my lower back again, I clean up the mess and throw it in the garbage.  

When I’m done, I throw on a pair of my flip flops and walk to the boys’ door with Night behind me. I’m about to knock on the door when I hear Rin.

“I can’t deal with this Yukio. I can’t stand her anymore. It’s driving me insane.” Rin says, to Yukio.

I hear Yukio but is very quiet and I can’t make out what he’s saying.

“But I can’t. Raven is always like that now, and I can’t stand it.” He says and Yuki talks again. “I know Shiemi is like that too but she isn’t as bad as Raven. At this point I’m going to go crazy.” 

At this point I start tearing up. Is he saying he hates me? It must be. That means he can’t handle me anymore and I’m driving him mad. That’s all the proof I need. I say starting to back up, having tears go down my face. I’ll just leave them. They don’t need me, they have Shiemi. Right? They’ll be better off without me. I say then I run, stamping down the hall, I hear a door open and my name called, but I ignore and run all the way outside and I to the forest. 

I stay there all night crying and Night there beside me, trying to comfort me. In the morning, I get up early from the log I’m lying on and go back to my dorm. I go through my window, grab my cloths then go down to the showers and shower. I get out and dressed then go see Ukobach who looks at me funny.

“I know what you’re gonna ask. Where was I last night, right?” I ask and he nods.

“Well I’m avoiding the boys. I heard Rin saying something’s about me and they hurt, so… I’m gonna leave.” I say. “I probably will tonight. Watch out for the boys ok Ukobach?” 

He looks at me sad face, then he nods. I rub him on the head then hug him, after a minute I then hear someone coming down. I let him go, wave and run the opposite way, with Night behind me. I hear my name called but I just keep running. Recognizing its Yukio’s voice, which makes me tear up a bit.

“Good bye Yukio.” I say to myself, then stop at the door at the end of the hall and see him standing at the other end of the hall. I look at him for a good minute then look away in front of me and run, letting the door shut on its own behind me. I’ll probably be back later to get a few things. 

Later that day, I go back to my dorm, going through the window. I pack up a few things but hear footsteps coming towards my door. I get up on the ledge of my window and the door opens. I look and see Yukio again.

“Wait Ray!” He says, and I look out the window, listening to what he has to say. “What has gotten into you? Why are you running from us?”

I’m hesitant for a second.

“You really wanna know?” I ask, looking at him with tears in my eyes, and he is shocked but then nods, I look back out the window. “I’m going away. I’m leaving.”

“But why?” he asks.

“I heard you and Rin talking a few days ago, and I heard what Rin said.” I pause. “That he can’t stand me, and many other things have been going on with me as well. Also, I feel I don’t even know you guys anymore cause we haven’t really spoken to each other, so I’m leaving. You guys will be fine on your own, you don’t need me.” I say and swing out, but then stick my head back in. “Good job on becoming paladin. Just don’t be an ass about it.” 

I then jump down and run away. I heard him call my name but I kept running. About an hour later, I sit on top of the dorm building I lived in with Night beside me, letting my feet dangle over the edge.

‘Why are you running?’ he asks me.

“Cause they can’t stand me. Why be around when they don’t want me to be. He doesn’t seem to care.”

‘I think he does, I can sense it.’ Night says. ‘Why don’t you talk to him?’

“Well if I’m right, he won’t want to talk, and besides I can’t talk to him now that I said that to Yukio. He probably told Rin by now and knowing Rin he would either forget about it, and just sit there or-“

“Or he would come find you!” Rin says behind me in a stern voice which startles me, and I look behind me at him.

He’s standing there wearing his Cram School outfit and his sword on his back. I quickly stand up, grab mine from laying on the ground, and get ready to run. I quickly run the other way and jump down onto the other part of the roof but then I see Rin jump down as well, landing in front of me. I run to my right but he hooks my arm and tosses me lightly back towards the wall of the incline and he puts his hands on either side of my shoulders to make sure I don’t escape. I see Night land behind him, looking at me oddly as if he knew and it snaps to me.

“You planned this, didn’t you Night?” I ask and he nods. “Damn.”

“Why are you running?” Rin asks sternly, in front of me. “I wanna know, right now!”

I look down, looking towards my left, not really wanting to answer. 

“Raven. Answer me right now!” Rin warns, getting angry.

“I-I don’t know what to say.” I say.

“Why are you running? What has gotten you like this!? You’ve never been like this. So why?” 

“Huh… Fine.” I say. “I heard you talking to Yukio saying how you couldn’t stand me anymore. How you don’t want to deal with me anymore.”


“So you thought it was a sign that I hate you.” He says, more gently, and I start to get a little upset and pissed off, so I close my eyes, holding back the tears. 

“What do you care, huh!? You have Yukio, you don’t need me! You two would be-“ 

I say but then feel a pair of lips on mine. My eyes shot open and I see Rin kissing me with his eyes closed. After a minute he pulls away and looks at me with a gentler expression, almost adoring. 

“That’s where you’re wrong Ray.” He says, and puts his right hand on my cheek, wiping away a few tears and looking deep into my eyes. “We do care and we do need you. I care a little more but that’s besides the point. We do care and I need you more than ever Ray.”

“I didn’t mean I can’t stand you as in you, I meant I can’t stand the way you were feeling. It kills me when I see and know that you are hurting, upset, sad, depressed or anything like that. It’s been soo long since I’ve, we’ve seen your beautiful smile and it has both got us worried.” He says, putting his hand more on my neck. “I’ve missed you Ray, and I care about you.”

I look up at him then start to tear up and close my eyes. After a minute, I feel him wipe the tears away then puts both his hands on the side of my face gently, then I feel his lips on mine again. My eyes open again but then I melt into him, closing my eyes. 

He wraps his arms around me, holding me close and I also wrap my arms around his neck. He starts getting into it and start making out. After a few minutes, he pulls away and puts his forehead to mine. 

“I need you Ray. I need you more then you know.” He says. “I really like you Raven.” 

He blushes and I blush a little as well.

“I really like you too Rin.” I say.

He smiles then kisses me again. After we go down into the dorms and he makes dinner.

The Life of Raven Kurokawa; A Blue Exorcist RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now