Who am I?

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“Blue Night? But isn’t that also the-“

‘Yes it is. I was hoping you didn’t find out about that but oh well. I now refer to myself as Night, like the time of day.’ Night says.

“Ok Night.” I say. “It’s catchy.”

‘Yes well, I am older than that night that happened 16 years ago and was named first. Rather a wise old wolf, you could say.’

“Hah!” I say, raising a finger. “I get it.”

 He growls, knowing what I’m implying and I hold up a hand.

“Hey now, no getting all feisty.” Then I clear my throat and wave out my hand. “Continue.”

‘Well, I have just came out to find you. The time has come for you to know who and what happened to your parents.’ He says.

I quickly put out my hand, sensing someone’s watching and listening. I look straight at Night who I see also feels and senses it.

“Shall we go back to my place to discuss this?” I ask.

‘We shall.’ He says.

We head out of the forest and to the dorms. I walk in quietly and lead Night to my room, but leave the door a bit open. I sit on my bed and Night sits across the room away from me, on the floor.

“So, how does this begin?” I ask.

‘It begins 17 years ago, with who your parents were. Your mother was a beautiful black haired, blue eyed women named Luna. She was a very strong and brilliant exorcist, she was… fantastic at it, and never backed down easy. You could say very hard headed and stubborn, both traits that you also have. She was specialized in sword fighting and demon taming, meaning she was a Knight and a Tamer.’ Night begins.

“Like I am.” I blurt out and he nods.

‘Your father though, was a demon. He was one of the eight demons kings, his name was Egyn, King of Water. That’s why you’ve always loved water and rain, never being afraid of it even in thunderstorms. For the longest time, he worked for Satan but as time wore on, he started to hate Satan and his ways, and wanted to stop him so one night, he left Gahanna and went straight to the exorcists. Instead of being the demon he was, he changed his appearance to something more presentable. He almost looked human also, with light sea blue eyes, and very dark blue hair with lighter streaks in it, and he also wore human clothing, wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a dark grey sweat shirt. The exorcists didn’t know who he was until he got on his knees, put his hands behind his head and announced who he was. All the exorcist were ready to kill and he asked for them to hear him out, he explained to them that that he didn’t want to be part of Satan’s mischief and plans anymore and wants to help defeat him. That’s when Shiro stepped forward and looked at the man, wondering if he was telling the truth and indeed he was. Shiro let Egyn join them and taught him how to fight. Your father became a Knight and was a very skilled one at that, like you are Raven. But not long after, he met your mother and they soon fell in love.’ He pauses, and I looked down putting my chin on my hands.

‘A year passes and your mother Luna, finds out she’s pregnant with you. They were both so happy, until that night when Satan found out.’ I then look sharply up at him. ‘For a bit of revenge on his brother, Satan disguised himself as Egyn and made love to your mother when she was a month pregnant with you. They then later found out it was him and they both became heartbroken thinking if you would be ok.’

“Wait, where do you come in?” I ask. “You haven’t said where you are.”

‘Right, I was your mothers familiar in the beginning and over time, being in this place for so long, they couldn’t rip the paper to get rid of me making me permanent here and not having any ties with Satan anymore. I took two years to break the tie, meaning two years to just be out of Gahanna.’ He says and I nod for him to continue. ‘You were ok to them as of what they knew. You didn’t become a miscarriage so they thought you were ok. When it came time though, unfortunately your mother died shortly after giving birth to you. So Egyn raised you till you were about 4 years old.’

The Life of Raven Kurokawa; A Blue Exorcist RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now