Someone new

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"Yeah wright! You butt dialled me this morning Maya! I heard everything... wanna take a PICTURE !!" Riley said laughing.

I glanced at Lucas who was grinning. his eyes met mine and we both laughed with Riley in embarrassment. In the corner Farkle was still in shock. tears flooded his eyes and his hair fell over his cheeks. His face was buried in his knees.

" Farkle how long has this been going on. " Riley asked Farkle curious

" When I don't get good grades or when mom gets in a fight with him I'm the one that gets hurt. apparently it express' his emotions."

Silence hit us all again like a truck. awkward eye contact lasted longer than I expected.

"If it helps my mom used to do the same thing when she couldn't get a man to go out with her" I exclaimed

"Wait what, and I of all people never heard about this ?" Riley said with a sharp tone almost offended.

"You have your life and I have mine riles."

"Yeah but that's not good May-"

"Well it's over now Riley don't need to worry"

Lucas shuffled his feet on the ground and I stared at him. nobody spoke. It was nice. silence that was . it all stopped when I got pushed in the back by something. My hands collided with the ground stopping my head from the compact. I fell hard but I didn't struggle to get up.

"Watch wher- " I slowly stopped talking when I witnessed a familiar face before me. Her brown hair fell just below her shoulders and she had a bust lip , but it wasn't fresh it must have happened at least a week ago. her brown hazel eyes I would notice anywhere .

" Ella ?"

"Maya." Her eyes welled up with tears but not from the sight of me , no, she was hurt.

Who's Ella ?

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