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Stella's POV: I am so happy I figured out a solution for Kylie so she can still be part of the girls on fire program. Today is a big day for two reason, for one it's Kylie first day at work and today I go my first meeting about becoming a Lieutenant. Right now me and Kelly are walking into work together 

S= the meeting is today for the Lieutenant candidates and to be honest i'm a little nervous there is something about reality hitting like damn in a few months I'm taking the lieutenants exam
K= yeah you are
S= Yeah you're going to help me study right like the squad truck ins  and outs because I gotta learn that from the master 
K= i'm here anything you need
S= okay so maybe after shift we go  through it
K= sure sounds good
S= okay
CB= so this is what I drive....
S= well good morning
KY= hey squad
K= morning
S= just so you know Kylie says " squad " when she's referring to her pals her friends or pretty much anybody. How's her first day going
CB= so far so good
KY= chief Boden been awesome he introduced me to everyone showed me the rigs
S= do you mind if I give her my personal tour with my include a hidden stash of nitro  Takis
CB= go  right ahead
KY= I love nitro takis
S= oh right  it's the perfect breakfast right  this  way
KY= yes
K= you happen to notice
CB= The similarities yes I did

I give Kylie my personal tour and we finish just in time because the I was go off and I'm called away  and I leave Kylie with the cheif. Once we got everyone out of that warehouse fire we head back to the firehouse. And just in time for me to leave for the meeting.

M= hey Kidd you okay if I put the rig  out under  the apron 
S= sure, captain
MC= yeah
S= just a reminder I got that meeting at headquarters
MC= sure go ahead
S= okay 

I grab my car and head to headquarters and get ready for my meeting when I get there and noticed I am the only female there which is awesome but also sad. Now we just wait on the chief in charge to show up and talk to us about becoming Lieutenant

CC= congratulations your  here because your name came up for the lieutenants test. First first you have to pass then wait for placement some of you that could take years for others that may never happen. There will be a written portion along with times events similar to the  CPAT, and you have until March 19 so come prepared or don't come at all referred to the info Sheets for books you need to get which events  to expect  and CFD  online resources any questions ( everyone shakes their head no) all right then dismissed

RF = you must be Stella Kidd Cheif Boden A big fan of yours
S= I feel the same way about him
JS= hey Joey Sandoval I was at the leader ship with treat right after you heard your name a lot you made real  impressions on chief Morgan
S= wow I mean that's nice to know
CC= Time to break up the party there's another meeting coming in right after this one
RF= good to meet you
S= yeah good to meet you chief thank you for the opportunity March 19 I'll come Prepared
CC= good

I head back to the firehouse to start looking over everything and start studying for this exam that's coming up very soon.

Kelly's pov:  it's been a few days since the Big rescue where Stella save my life and then the chief decided that Stella is worthy of becoming a lieutenant here soon. . I am so happy for her she has worked her ass off to get this far in her career. Today  we had to make another rescue and I saved a guy from a fire as he is trying to go back for his car. He came by the firehouse looking for me 

KC= i'm trying to find someone who would've help me out of the building
RF= severide
K= hey 70s stingray
KC= can't I never got a chance to thank you
K= Kelly
KC= if you hadn't pulled me out of there
K= yeah I'm a big car guy myself but they haven't made one yet that I'm willing to die for
KC= it wasn't just any car it was my dad's spent 10 years restoring it never live to see it through I wanted to finish it for him
K= ah
KC= LeMans Blue turbo jet 454V-8
K= wish I could've heard that
KC= hey man I went back there at the minute the hospital discharge me to check the damage but the doors were boarded up with a notice from OFI
K= yeah that's office a fire investigation they have to determine the cause
KC=  oh how long till I can get back in there
K= depends what they find. do you know how it started
KC= no but I've been complaining to the landlord for years about a twitchy sub panel
K= yeah well I'm sure someone will get in touch
KC= yeah yeah okay uh hey man thanks again
K= yeah glad you're okay

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