Happy birthday kelly

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RB= Ritter's boyfriend

Stella's POV: everything at the firehouse has gone back to normal where nobody has conflict with another fire house. Over the last couple days I have been thinking over some ideas on what I should either do or get for Kelly's birthday which is next week. Yesterday I decided I would take Kelly on a little trip for his birthday. The reason I chose it is for one because we both deserve a few days to ourselves. And for two we haven't took a trip together as a couple yet so it's about time that something like that happens. Right now it's the morning before shift so as Kelly is still getting himself ready for work I decide to browse the Internet for ideas. \

S= no ( kelly walks out into the living room)
K= good morning
S= ah good morning ( shuts her laptop and starts acting weird)
K= what are you up to
S= uh nothing just browsing the Internet like people do
K= okay
S= damm I'm late
K= what are you talking about we got plenty of time
S= no I just I got a swing by home before work because I left my station gear there but um I Will see you at the firehouse
K= yeah see you

I hated that I kind of lied to Kelly but I want to plan something special for him for his birthday hopefully I can figure out something soon. So I go and grab my station from my house and head into work once I am there I decide to ask Cruz  what is a good place to take Kelly for his birthday

CZ= hey
S= so I have been trying to plan a surprise trip as a birthday present for Kelly only thing is it that it's his birthday next week I still haven't figured out what to do he's so tricky
CR= hey you know my boyfriend Eric he's a travel agent I bet he could hook you up
S= that would be amazing are you serious ( Ritter shakes his head yes) oh my God okay Um can you have him stop by Molly's tomorrow night
CR= sure
S= thank you

General POV:
  Cruz and Brett decided it was time to let somebody finally move into Otis his old room and they didn't have anybody in mind but mouch came up with  the idea of suggesting Nick Porter as a roommate and agree. The whole firehouse Get called to a private school because somebody called a false alarm and it deterred their reaction time to another call with somebody was stuck underneath a heater vent thing. When they got back to the station they realize that over the last month the fire house itself either first,second , or third shift has been called to that school multiple times so it seems like somebody's doing it on purpose so Casey Kelly And the chief call Sergeant Platt to help them figure it out she said she'll have people check into it but for now they come up with an idea passing out flyers at the private school to see if any of the kids will fess up to pulling alarm or tell them who did it. Hopefully they'll somebody soon for now everybody wait around  and  see

At Molly's with Stella
CR= hey Eric why don't you tell Kidd your thoughts about this shit before servride decides to come over here
S= and thank you so much again for doing this
RB= so many options for couples first there's outdoorsy stuff hiking or skiing with a cabin in the woods little too murdery   for me personally but some people love it 
S= I like the honesty moving on
RB= Then there's the spa weekend  plenty of  beautiful locates for that but if your fireman is anything like mine he'll think it's a little on the soft side
CR= yeah
S= okay afraid so
RB= figured so my final and I think best suggestion is a cruise
S= hmm A cruise Kelly does Love boats
RB= then it's perfect I'm telling you they're really romantic the open seas the nonstop parties those cozy rooms. We did one last year and it was crazy fun
S= I love this idea love it ( laughs) oh god okay just uh talk about something else quick

Kelly's pov: I am happy to be back at the firehouse and even more happy to have no conflict between fire houses anymore so that's good. Me and Stella are still doing pretty amazing yesterday morning she started to act a little weird I think it has to do with my birthday coming up next week she doesn't have to plan anything for me I'm just happy to be with her. I am at Molly's with The chief and Mat watching Stella talk with Ritter  and  some other guy who I think is ritter's boyfriend. She keeps looking at me I wonder why

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